New Stories With Old Friends

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Evie's Pov:

We race down the stairs as Jay catches the keys to the limo. "Wait somethings wrong!" I cried and fixed Ben's hat. Ok so I know our friend is on the Isle but we all still have to look good when we go there! "Much better." I look over his outfit with a grim smile.

"Shotgun!" We hear a voice cry as Jay, Carlos, Ben and I pile into the limo. We look around and see it was Dude who talked?

"No Dude stay. The Isle is way to dangerous." Carlos ordered as we all stare at Dude in shock.

"Did he just-" Jay starts in confusion.

"Talk yeah. I know tell you later." Carlos responds in stress and amusement.

We all go into the car still confused about Dude but putting that out of our minds to go find Mal.

"OK once we cross the bridge we park at the  Piere by the old garage got it?" I ask Jay.

"Got it." He replies and starts the car.

We drive through Auradon and across the bridge to the Pierre on the Isle. Carlos gets tarps from a basket with Ben and we pull them over the limo.

"It's really weird being back here." I say to Jay as I look around in fear.

"It's ok we'll get in and get out." Jay reassures me.

We finish putting the tarps on and Ben wanders over to a tunnel. "Hey what's in here?" He asks us.

We rush over and pull him away. "Hey guys keep it chill the last thing we need is our parents finding out we're here." Carlos instructs.

We all nod in a agreement. "And we need to be fast if anyone figures out who Lucy is she's in danger and if our parents know we are back they'll know she's back too." Jay informs and starts walking away.

I take one last look at the tunnel that leads to Uma's ship and follow them.

We walk along the streets Ben next to me us behind Carlos and Jay. "Hey um I don't mean to pry but Jay seems really protective of Lucy. I just mean that well he's more protective of her than the rest of you. Is there something between them?" Ben asks me carefully.

"If by something between them you mean a lot of history then yeah definitely. Jay sees her as a younger sister and Luc sees Jay as an older brother. He's always been protective of us since we became friends but Lucy's different. Everyone on the Isle knows about her and her dad. That's why Jay wants to find her so fast I'm sure Frollo is not happy about her leaving, and well people here will take advantage of that to get an advantage themselves." I answer.

"Jay doesn't want that to be discussed does he? The relationship between Lucy and Clude Frollo? When I asked last time he said that it was not a conversation to be had unless Lucy wanted to have it. But he also said I might just have saved her life by inviting her. What happened in that house Evie why is Jay acting like this?" Ben inquires slightly concerned.

I sigh "I'll tell you but first you can't say anything to anyone else ok?"

"Ok" He agrees.

"We all had rules we needed to obey to survive on the Isle then there were rules set by parents. No one had it worse than Lucy. Frollo had convinced himself that he had done nothing wrong in his life and that Lucy was the spawn of the devil. That's why he named her Lucia, you know after Lucifer the devil, she followed the rules as soon as she could  comprehend them. But sometimes we misstep rules or they get lost in our brains when we are young. Let's just say after that day she never broke the number one rule again." I try to skip over some of it but Ben had other plans.

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