Bonding?? What's that?

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      "Nice to meet you Lucy I think you're going to fit in fine around here." Quasimodo says.

      I blush and smile "I'd like that." I say in response as I wipe tears and don't from my face.

      "Is everything alright I heard yelling and crying?" I heard a worried female voice ask from down the hall.

    A women with moaca skin and brilliant teal eyes entered the entryhall. Her white shirt with a blue and yellow corset matched with a purple skirt with a darker shade sash with bells are a contrast to her dark hair which is held back with a pink ribbon. Even with all the different colors and shades they all mix perfectly. "Esmerelda..." I breath out.

      Her eyes widen in recognition as they land on my face. "You're Frollo's daughter aren't you?" I nod. "Now I see what all the fuss was about. How about you come with me and Quinn? We'll get you cleaned up then you can keep talking to Quasimodo. How's that sound?" She asks as she comes closer to me. Again all I can do is nod. No one has ever done anything like this for me. I mean sure the gang has cleaned me up after my dad beat me but they have done nothing like this. The closet has to be when Jay literally carried off the church steps to his house. I smile at the memory.

       Esmerelda and Quinn help pick me up off the floor. And upstairs to their rooms. Esmerelda went to go get me a new outfit. Apparently I needed more color whatever that means. Quinn was brushing my hair, the brush kept hitting the arm of my sunglasses though. "Can I take them off?" Quinn asks tentatively after a few minutes of silence. "I'm just brushing your hair after that you can put them back on!" She quickly corrects her previous question.

       "Um..." I was hesitant. This glasses weren't just for protecting my eyes from the light. "Yeah I'll take them off but can you please stay behind me um I'm a little sensitive about being around others with my glasses off." I say while sliding them off my face.

        "Yeah sure I'm doing your hair anyway so I kinda have to be behind you." Quinn laughed. I laughed too. Us this what Evie and Mal have? I mean sure I had a friendship with both of them but they have a really strong one with each other like without me.

       Quinn finished brushing my hair and pulled it up with a red ribbon much like hers and Esmerelda's is. After she finished I put my sunglasses back on soon after Esmerelda came back in the room with an outfit much like hers. After handing it to me they both walk out of the room.

      The outfit contains a white shirt and a red skirt that matched my belt? With a black corset. There were no shoes so I just went barefoot. ( so basically her outfit is the one up above and Quinn's is the green one but all that color.) I walked out and both of the girls started gushing over me. "Now there are a few finishing touches. I tried to fit your color scheme but make it more yours." Esmerelda comes over and puts a purple sash that fades into the cor of my skirt with tasles around my waist. The three of us walk back down stairs.

       The boys start clapping when they see me. "Now that is sticking it to your father!" Xavier cheered.

        "Oh and you'd know all about that would you?" I ask as I cross my arms over my chest and give him a mischievous smirk.  He grinned sheepishly and looked down rubbing his neck with his hand in response.

        "Oh! I have a great idea!" Quinn exclaimed. She then whispered in Esmerelda's ear. They shared a smirk that makes the one I gave Xavier then grabbing my hand pulled me to the hall Esmerelda had come from. Xavier and Quasimodo seemed to know what they were planning and followed us.

       We emerged into a beautiful garden. There was a cobblestone path that lead to the center where there was a large patch of soft grass. There were different color flowers all over. It was chaotic but orderly at the same time. (LOL kinda hard to write this while listening to hellfire) It was much like the contrasting look of the building from the outside. I loved it.

        I stop and spin in circles taking in all that was around me, breathing in the fresh air. All the others laugh a little at my reaction but with satisfied and loving looks on their faces. Suddenly Esmerelda comes up to me. "Here you might be able to see it better like this...." She trails off as she reaches up and carefully takes my sunglasses off my face. Squinting a little as my eyes' protection to the sun was taken away. Opening them fir the first time in broad daylight for the first time in my life all the colors in the garden were brightened tenfold.

       Laughing at the new scene before me I didn't notice the slightly horrified abd shocked looks of the others and Esmerelda's gasp as she stepped away from me. Stopping I look at them to say thank you when I see their faces. I remember then that my glasses were off. My face morphed from one of joy to terror. Not even the VK's have seen me in full light without my glasses on.

      Quinn was the first one to approach me. Reaching out her hand she cupped my cheek and with her other hand she traced her finger down my nose. "Did- did Frollo do this to you?" She asks barley loud enough to hear.

     I nod. "It was the first one. I was three. I made him mad and didn't listen to the rules. I bothered him on Sunday worse than that I was in the church on a Sunday. A devil's child shouldn't be in a holy place let alone on the Saboth." I laugh dryly. " He screamed at me to get out, later that day he came into my room and dragged me by my hair into the chapel. '"YOU DISOBEYED ME! GOD HAS CHOSEN THE PUNISHMENT I WILL BE STOWE UPON YOU!"' He yelled at me. After that I felt a blinding pain and something wet on my face. I woke up two days later with a scab that ran across the length of my face. I never had to worry about anyone seeing it because me glasses covered it. I guess that's not gonna work anymore huh?" I finished my story with a laugh that sounded more like a sob. Tears that I didn't feel flowed down my face. Quinn hugged me tight and the others ran over to join.

      "Don't worry you are apart of our family now, and in this family we protect eachother. We will never let anything like this happen to you again." Quasimodo states. With those words I melted into the warm hug and comfort they provided.

An: Hey guys so obviously her dress is the picture. Was this a good introduction for Quasimodo and Esmerelda's characters? Also we are kinda coming up to the end of the movie and with that and movie two the gang gets love interests so I'd love to hear from you guys about your thoughts on Lucy's love life. Feedback is welcome I love hearing from you guys!

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