Love Spells And Tourny Games

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Jay's Pov

     I was slowly getting worried about Lucy. I mean first she gets in a fight now she's gone for the rest of the afternoon! Right before we were about to go to the kitchen to make the love spell for Ben, which Lucy would probably say we wouldn't need, she showed up but in really strange clothes. We stared questioning her about what happened and were she had gone, geez we sound like protective parents. After a minute I see something we looked over. Lucy's sunglasses were gone. "Where are your sunglasses?" I ask.

        She flinched a little I guess she forgot they were off. I never had seen that scar before I guess they were covering it up. " um Quinn and Xavier's house..." She mumbled out. Well that explains all our other questions except who are they?

     Mal got upset with her for ditching us. I wanted to step in and say that it was great she had other friends but the other part of me was upset with her as well. Things got very heated and well she mentioned our parents and how they didn't really love us. Looking around the room we all got pretty upset with that when suddenly SMACK! Mal slapped Lucy across her face. I could see the tears in her eyes as she finally lost her last bit of hope that Frollo was wrong then ran off. I wanted to run after her to say that it would be OK, that none of it was real and it shouldn't have happened but once again me anger won over my love and I stayed with Mal and the gang.

       After 5 minutes things cooled down enough with the gang to go start the love potion and it was almost complete all we needed was a tear according to Mal. "OK so let's chop up some onions." Carlos say grabbing one.

   "No it says we need one tear of human sadness and this live potion has the best reviews so we need to follow it exactly." Mal counters.

    I roll me eyes "a tear's a tear."

   "That's not true Jay they both have antibodies and enzymes but an emotional tear has more protein based neutrons than a regular tear." Evie corrects me.

     "Yeah I knew that." I say trying to make them think I was just testing her.

      "Did not" Carlos called me out. I smile slightly Luc would have teased me none stop about that.

     Suddenly a cute girl walks in with long chocolate brown hair in a pink sweatshirt with white sweatpants. "There you are Mal I've been looking all over for you, you know all the girls want you to do their hair " She sees that we are making something "midnight snack huh whatcha guys making?" She asks.

      "Oh nothing special just cookies....OH NONONO" Mal trails off when she sticks her finger in the batter. We all tried to stop her but it didn't work.

      "What I'm not gonna double dip." She says.

       "Feel anything?" Evie asks.

        "Yeah like maybe I might be missing something?" Mal adds trying to cover up what we are doing.

       I move infront of them and lean on a post. "Hey there." I say with a seductive smirk on my face. At least that's what I say Luc says I look like a fish out of water. Apparently she's right because the girl moves right on past me giving me an are you serious look.

      "Could use some chips." She suggests nonchalantly. I look down confused because that works on like every girl on Isle abd because I have no clue what a chip is. 

      "And those are?" Mal asks exasperated probably a little mad that the potion didn't work.

      "Chocolate chips only the most important food group." She responds. (Agreed Lani agreed) "Wait didn't your mom ever make you Chocolate chip cookies?" We all look at her confused and kinda sad. "When your feeling sad and they are fresh from the oven with a big old glass of milk and she makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective. " she continues. We all continue to look sad and slightly confused. Parents did that? When I was sad I was told to tough it out a man doesn't feel sad and to go steal for the shop. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" The girl asks.

     "Things are just different were we are from." Mal answers

      "Yeah well I know that I just thought ya know even villians love their kids." She tries to make amends. We all look down in realization. Luc- luc was right. "Oh" She says as she comes to the same realization. "How aweful." She tries to make Mal feel better by grabbing her hand. The girl starts crying.

    Mal quickly catches a tear and throws it in the potion. "Yeah well big bummer but we have to get these into the oven so thanks so much for coming by it was really nice seeing you evil dreams." Mal guides her out of the kitchen.

     "Good night." The girl replies and leaves.

      "OK boys cookie sheet Evie oven." Mal directs to get our minds off the moment we just had and back onto the love spell. Now all that was left was to give the potion to Ben.

*the next morning*

    I still haven't seen Lucy after the fight but before it she promised to be at Carlos and I's first big tourny game. I meet Mal at her locker "are you sure about this I mean it's not so bad here." I insist.

      Mal looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you kidding me long live evil, you're mean, you're bad, you're bad news." She snaps my head out of my previous thought.
        "Thanks Mal I needed that." I chuckle then go over by the hand rail to flirt with the girls. "Hey name's Jay are y'all going to the tourny game tonight?" I ask. They responded with yes. "Well keep a look out for number eight scoring the winning goal." I flirt. I suddenly get knocked into by someone from behind, I stumble and look for the person who hit me. Seeing a note drop to the ground and a colorful dress pair with white hair I smile and pick up the piece of paper. It read:

  Can't wait for the big game tonight! As promised I'll be there cheering you guys on! Have fun with the team and crush your opponents (just not to bad ok)
         Lots of love,

I fold the note and put it in my pocket to show Carlos before the game. And turn my attention to Mal and Ben. I slowly walk up behind Ben and ask "How ya feeling bro?"

   "I- I feel like singing your name MAL MA-" Mal quickly puta her hand over his mouth before he can cause too much attention and gives me the rest of the cookie. I look at it maybe I can use this one later... but that's for another time. Carlos and I drag Ben behind us to the locker room to get ready for the game.

Lucy's Pov:

    Giving Jay that note was the first interaction I had with them since the fight, but just because we had one disagreement didn't mean i was going to miss the boys' first big tourny game. Quinn, Xavier, and I show up around half time and sit close to the bench. I see Jay and Carlos scan the seats constantly. It seemed they were looking for me, well they will have to look a little longer I'm not giving up my position that easily. We get to 47 seconds left in the game. It's all tied up. I'm just quoting the commentator I have no clue what in the world is going on.

    The boys still don't know where I'm at but I can see them clear as day. It looks like they are getting along with the rest of the team real well. I'm happy for them. There at the end it looks like Carlos and the couch are having second thoughts about Jay wanting him in. Jay slips him a piece of paper that Carlos reads. The couch agrees and they both do a last second scan of the stands to see if I'm there. I decide that it's the perfect time to give up my location. "WOOH GO VK'S" I shout it's barley hearable over the rest but the boys seem to have heard it. They look in my direction and I start jumping up and down my fingers in a v formation. They smile and run out to the field.

     I'm barely listening to the commentator as I watch Jay and Carlos play with the team smiling I join in with the cheering. After a block they boys team up and manage to score one more point just as the clock runs out of time. Knowing people will be clearing out soon and not wanting to be caught in a crowd with the gang Xavier and Quinn leave with me before anyone else could. We walk away to the commentator shouting about how great of a team and what great teamwork they all have. We get one last laugh in as Ben starts singing to Mal and we walk inside to our dorms.

An: what did you guys think about the different perspective? I was kinds nervous about it ngl. Any who feedback as always is always appreciated love hearing from you guys! And if you have any ideas about plot points for the story or a love interest for Lucy don't be shy please throw them out! Bye guys see you next time!


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