Trial of Godhood

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(Hattie P.O.V)

Dad has been in Auradon for the last seven months and it's been nice to have him here. He's been teaching me all about the Underworld and how to control my powers more and to use them in my everyday life. Ethan actually got Dad's physical permission to date me about a week later when he wanted to take me to the castle gardens for a date. He was so scared of Dad that his magic was creating flurries all around us which confused Dad a bit but once we explained it to him he understood. Today however, it is going to be interesting.

See in order to keep our Godhood's, our our Godly abilities, we have to complete a set of trials and I was the newest one to do so. I don't know what my trial is going to be, Dad doesn't know nor Mom so I couldn't get any sort of hints about it. It was going to take place in Olympus, where time flows differently there. It was weird that I would spend a week there and only one day would pass in Auradon, Ethan wished me luck on the trial since this could define my future as a Goddess and how our relationship could be. He was sweet and caring, even with his busy schedule as the Royal Advisor, he made sure to text me everyday when he couldn't be in school and at night to make sure to tell me that he was alive and in his dorm room. We had good communication right now, and that's key for any relationship.

Anyway back to the trials, Dad guided us to Olympus and it still amazes me how they build this entire city on clouds. I then followed Dad and Mom to where everyone was and I saw the Pantheon of Gods and Goddesses waiting for us to come into the area and when Zeus saw us, he ran over and pulled Dad into a bone crushing hug and I could see why Dad never got along with him. "Hades, welcome back to Olympus, we missed your presence here in the last twenty years." Zeus said and I sighed, did he forget that it was his fault in the first place that Dad was there in the first place.  "And this must be Hattie, welcome to Olympus. You'll be dealing with the Fates for your trial, remember you must pass this test in order to be in Olympus, to keep your Godhood, and to be able to be around your parents." Zeus reminded me and I nodded, I was prepared for this, I knew that this was the most biggest thing in the whole world.

He guided me to where the Fates had resided in, there I saw the three sisters. Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. One sister had an eye which all three share in order to see the future, I thanked Zeus and he walked away while I walked over towards the three. Then one notices me, it was the oldest of the sisters Lachesis. "You are Hattie, daughter of Hades." She said then another one notices me and speaks, this time it was Clotho. "We've been waiting for you dear." She said and finally, Atropos turned and looked at me with the sister's singular eye. "It is time for your trial." She said and I nodded and a chair came out of nowhere and I sat down and prepared for the trial.

(Hades P.O.V)

I walked back and forth in a nervous stance, I couldn't lose Hattie, I couldn't lose the only daughter who talks to me, actually acknowledges me as her Dad. Mal and I never had that type of connection, even before Hattie was born, she was a Mama's girl since she was a baby but I know there are resentment from my departure in her life. Someone touched my shoulder and I saw it was Persephone, she could see the worry on my face, and she had a similar look as well. She only just reunited with her daughter after eight years of being separated, only to now possibly lose her again. "I can't lose her Kore, I just can't." I whispered, vulnerability rich in my voice and she hugged me and I buried my head in her neck, trying to hold back the tears welling in my eyes. 

Before we even had Hattie, we've had many miscarriages and lost three children hours after their birth. They're bodies couldn't handle the amount of power they were born with, so when Hattie was born, we were both nervous that she wouldn't make it but she was strong, and with the barrier blocking out her power as a Goddess, she was able to survive to the point where she is today and her power isn't harming her at all. All the other Gods and Goddesses were talking amongst themselves, not caring at all about this like me and Persephone are, heck I still have to tell them about Mal and Hadie, those two will need to go through the trials as well. 

Hours had passed when we finally saw Hattie, she was exhausted but wore a bright smile on her face. Both Persephone and I ran to her and hugged her tightly, happy to see our daughter once more. "So?" Persephone asked her and I looked at her, and the others were watching her from afar. 

She smiled even brighter as she spoke. "I passed my trial."

Authors opinion: Hey everyone, and here is the newest chapter. I know I didn't mention what went on during the trial, but that is for another chapter during the Descendants 2 movie, you'll know it when you see it. Let me know if you're excited to start the second movie in this franchise, I know I am excited. But either way, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and so until the next time bye

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