An Unforgettable Cotillion

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(Hattie P.O.V)

When Uma and I returned to Auradon, we both had to hurry to get ready for Cotillion. Uncle had made sure that she would be safe from returning to the Isle in case Mal and the others tried to do anything towards her. She was safe in the eyes of Olympus and would be able to return if something happens here. Thanks to magic, I was able to conjure her a dress and shoes to make her look stunning and we both got cleaned up and dressed. We got our hair styled and when the dresses went on, Uma looked almost different and a good different, she now can have the experiences I have had here for the last six months. Uma needed help understanding the straps on the heels and I got her shoes on and I got mine on and we were both done. "Uma, you look stunning." I told her and she blushed and looked awkward, I knew she wasn't used to this. "T-Thanks, but I know you're used to all of this." She said and I chuckled slightly. "Not really, there hasn't been any events like this I've gone too. Most times I would wear a simple dress based around where we were at. Nothing like this, this is still something to get used too." I explained and I touched her shoulder gently. "How're you handling being told that you're a Demi-Goddess? That must've been a shock to you." I asked her and she sighed.

"Not gonna lie, it is a big shocker. But it's also nice to know that I have family here and can have people to rely on." She said and I smiled, with one more hug we both left my room and found Ethan waiting in the dorm lobby. He wore a sapphire blue suit, similar to the one he wore during his Coronation, he held two boxes in his hands and when he turned and saw us, his face went slightly red which made me smirk. "Wow, you girls look gorgeous." Ethan said and walked over and kissed my cheek in greeting and smiled at Uma, she nodded and I sighed. "Here, I got you both corsages to wear." Ethan said and I awed at him, he was truly a sweetheart at times, Uma's was a teal flower while mine was a dark blue. We thanked him and he escorted us both to the car where we were driven to the Yacht where the Cotillion was taking place. Made no sense but that's Auradon at times, sense gets thrown out the window. "Have you spoken to Ben?" I asked Ethan and he hitched his breath but shook his head, I knew that this whole thing was affecting Ethan so after Cotillion I might take him back to Arendelle for a few days as a vacation and to clear his mind.

We finally arrived at the Yacht and I instantly was not happy, my magic relies on me staying dry. I am fine when I'm taking a shower since that's brief but not swimming or else I'm vulnerable like most mortals. Dad has a bit more leeway with that but he's the same essentially, fire and water don't mix well. The staff were shocked to see Uma but one glare from my eyes told them to not say a word about it, I still have my reputation from Family Day which gives me a bit of leverage. I sighed and saw Mal and her group, Mal's dress did not suit her well at all. Auradon's colors didn't mix well with her skin tone and her personality in the slightest. They did look nice though so that was a good thing, this was a very important event.

Mal and I were led to our positions and she looked at me and glared, I rolled my eyes at her. "Keep it civilized Mal, this is important to many people, including Ben and Ethan. We can argue about the Isle another night." I remarked and she nodded, clearly she didn't want to agree but she knew she couldn't make a scene right now. I closed my eyes and released a breath, it was show time.

Authors opinion: Hey everyone and here is the chapter for you all. This one is just basically the events leading up to the Cotillion, which is also going to go down differently. I didn't want to change Uma's outfit from what she wore during the film but added the corsage as a nice gesture while Hattie has on a dress that will change later. Don't worry it isn't anything too bad and so until the next time bye

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