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I wiped the tears from her cheeks as I tried to think how to even start to say what I wanted. Her mouth tugged up only briefly into a smile but at least the tears had stopped. Her penetrating gaze made me sweat and palms clammy I tried to wipe them as discreetly as possible on my jeans. Gulping rapidly I avoided her gaze and went through how I could possibly tell her how much I loved her.

"So, um yeah...what I was gonna to tell you was that I..." 

"Come on Matt, you can tell me. You know you can tell or ask me anything," she whispered in the cutest voice, honesty bleeding from her expression. She sat back on the bed, crossing her legs as if giving me space to focus my thoughts. She leaned forwards and rested her hands on my knees, waiting for me to speak.

I had to shake my head mentally to get the thought of just what 'anything' I would like to ask of her. Dirty bastard. She didn't mean anything like that. She's too innocent, you have to let her make every move.

 Letting out a deep breath I opened my mouth to spill my feelings when the door was pushed open and the crowd once again spilled forth from the gleaming hallway of the private ward. It was a very nice room for a hospital at least, large and light, courtesy of course to her parents, but the bouquet of flowers that stood on the cabinet at the end of the bed were obviously sent by an assistant. The typical 'Get well soon' had no other message attached, not even 'sorry we can't be there for you when you are in fucking hospital' or even, as far stretched as this may seem a 'We love you'. I sighed in frustration as I realised that I was only working myself up again, something which Kitty obviously did too as her hands grabbed mine and started drawing patterns with her tiny thumbs.

 A clearing of a throat brought my attention back to the present and I shifted position, pulling the blanket over me more directly before checking that my mostly deflated situation was obscured. As I looked up I glanced to the side as I felt the mattress further move as Kitty turned towards the medical team. 

"Morning you two," Doctor Bosh greeted in a scarily chipper voice for this early in the morning. "Glad to say that after a few checks you both can go on home." His words despite the tone caused me to let out a sigh of relief but it was soon cut short as a 'but' came into the picture. "However, I believe it is in both your best interests to stay together so you can look after each other which I'm pretty sure you would do anyway." He said with a smile and I smiled having feared something much worse. "Matt, you shouldn't put much pressure on your foot so the stitches don't break again and you," the doctor said before turning his attention to Kitty. "Katherine if you have any severe headaches, convulsions, weakness, vomiting, bleeding ears or deafness you need to come straight back here to get checked up."

Alarmed that a simple knock on the head could cause all that, I began to freak out. Oh my God! OH MY GOD! What have I done? 

"Don't worry too much the vast majority of the time nothing comes up but that's just a precaution to what to look out for, Katherine's had no signs or symptoms so far so she should be absolutely fine," the doctor attempted to reassure me presumably having seen my face but it did nothing to settle my stomach of guilt and fear.

Kitty twisted around and squeezed one of my hands and waited until I looked at before speaking. 

 "Don't worry Matt, I'll be fine, It's not your fault," she whispered in my ear, her breath creating a tickling sensation that was distracting to say the least. Turning my head towards her I looked into her eyes and saw her belief in her words. The thing was even if she had forgiven me I couldn't let myself off the hook, not just yet anyway. Hmm how to make it up to her...hmmm...Oh I know that's it, perfect. I nodded as if I agreed as the plan took form in my mind. 

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