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From that night on, he slept beside me, not touching but I hadn't had another dream and my trust in him was growing. He produced two much more comfortable sleeping mats from his gathered supplies and they next to each other on the hard wooden floor. Food and clothes also were met with relief as I blushingly had accepted the underwear that I hurriedly put on, beyond grateful at feeling covered up and decent; for too long I was stripped of normal unrevealing clothes. I didn't care that the tops were slightly baggy though I did sometimes miss the hidden looks from him that had once scared me. 

Set into a routine I found that I was smiling much more and as I caught myself in the landing mirror even I saw how changed I was. He had changed me. I couldn't deny that I liked him a lot more than I should but I would never it through, who would want a used thing like me. Yeah sure maybe for a quick fuck but I didn't think my already fragile heart could take being used especially by him, who I had grown to respect and look forward to when he returned from his daily scout. Like a stupid, silly girl I waited by the window for his return only to scurry away and act busy when he appeared in view. He was true to his word and was getting the police involvement looked into; discreetly of course, not knowing who to trust and just how far up corruption lied.  

I couldn't do anything but wait and though Sean was much better at hiding it then me, he was frustrated as well. Feeling trapped all over again, almost imprisoned though this time for my protection, I grew restless hoping that something would happen to end it all: either to bring them all down which was highly unlikely or for them to find me and kill me. The latter being far more realistic I just hoped that Sean would escape harm. It was when Sean was about to set out once more that I blurted out, "can I come?"

He had paused, hand on the door and turned towards me, thinking it over. 

"I don't think that is a good idea, I'm sorry. I'll be back soon."

Shaking my head I got up and started pacing unknowingly.

"You don't understand I'm going nuts in here. I just need to go for a run, get some fresh air. I feel so trapped like..." I trailed off halting in my tracks as I the memories flashed back so vividly I wrapped my arms around myself trying to protect myself from someone who had already taken everything. I flinched away from the hand on my shoulder before I could stop myself, my healing heart not quite whole. Turning to face him he attempted to hide his sadness quickly but I saw it before he put his mask up himself. 

"I'm sorry. It's not you I just was remembering...remembering what they did."

Looking down, I saw as his feet came nearing, felt as his chest was inches from my own and when his arms slowly tightened around me I returned the embrace, not letting go until the images were safely tucked back away. 

"Okay, but stick with me okay and if I tell you to do something remember please do it even if it is to run away or to hide. Promise me this and we can see how today goes," he softly said chin moving against my tucked in head.

Accepting his terms I nodded against his chest not letting go enjoying how his fingers travelled up and down my spine, so much so that I had to actively prevent myself from arching into him. 

"Ri," he said, tone indicating he wouldn't accept that as an answer. 

"Alright, alright I promise but only if it has something to do with my safety. Now can we go," all of a sudden eager to be free of the walls now so familiar I could find myself around easily in the dark. 

"You have to let go first, we can't exactly run holding each other like this can we now." Humour clear in his voice. 

Reluctant I stepped back and moved past him, avoiding looking at him when my face felt like it was on fire. Quickly tying up my laces properly so I wouldn't trip over one and damage myself in the process being the clumsy fool that I was. I headed outside and headed to the north side of the lake where I could see he was waiting. His back was turned and when I reached his side he turned his head briefly to the side and smiled before starting off at a brisk jog. Unsuspecting I hurried to catch up since his long strides had already carried him some distance. I was soon huffing and puffing, no doubt red in the face but at least I something to blame it on. My shorter legs needed to work that much harder to keep up with his easy stride and sweat was pouring down my back, my shirt clinging to my wet skin. 

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