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"That's it, just like I told you. Hands up and light on your feet. The best thing for you to do is try and avoid getting caught as one hit can vastly affect how you can function. Practise some of the moves I showed you earlier." 

"Again, but I've done it so many times." I groaned whilst rubbing my arms as they ached. 

"Ri, you wanted to learn, so I'm teaching you. You need to learn this kind of them until it is second nature. Now do you want to continue or not?"

"Urggg. Alright, alright I'll practise some more."

Getting back into position, we practised for what seemed like several more hours until finally he said the practising was done for the day. Collapsing on the floor where I had stood, I moaned as I tried to straighten my leg that was trapped under the other. I could feel the bruises already formed and ones rapidly developing as I tried to get comfortable.

"Up you get Ri, we still have to go for a run-"

"What! Are you joking, I can't even move now how do you expect me to run for several miles?" I groaned as I had sat up way too abruptly.

"No, I'm not joking. Come on, up you get." He said shaking his head.

"What about tomorrow? I'll do it then." I said trying to find a way out.

"No Ri. You'll feel worse tomorrow then you do now, so just do it now or forget about it. What will it be? We'll go nice and slow don't worry." He held out his hand and grunting, knowing that I would regret this I took the proffered hand. 

"I'm so going to regret this," I muttered to myself when I was upright.

He laughed and turned to the door, gesturing for me to follow. When I was reluctant to do so, slightly wobbly on my legs, he came back to my position and grasped my chin so that I was forced to look into his eyes. 

"The sooner we start, the sooner we finish. Don't worry I'll be with you the entire way around, I won't leave you."

"I'm sure. Let's get going then," I whispered as I realised how close he was.

He cleared his throat before releasing me and heading out the door. I couldn't help but look at his cute butt as he continued and blushing I hoped he didn't notice when he paused at the door, looking back. 

I don't know how I managed all the way around but I did, albeit stopping several times for breaks every now and then. He was true to his word though, he didn't leave my side and gave just enough encouragement that wasn't patronising when I needed it most.  

Having washed and changed into new clothes, I was surprised to see a meal laid out before me on the floor. I looked up smiling as Sean entered holding some bottles. He dropped them down near the plates as he crossed his legs by the one nearest him. 

"I hope you like it. I thought you deserved something special after today, you worked really hard." He said as way of explanation when I was just about to ask what the occasion was, I must have looked very confused. 

"Looks great and um thanks."

I was so hungry that I was almost sorry that I ate the food too fast to really appreciate it, especially when I looked up nearly finished to see him staring at me like I had gone crazy. 

I smiled briefly to hide my awkwardness before looking down at my plate and finished the meal slowly. Full for the first time in what felt like ages, I dropped back against the mat and placed my hands across my stomach. 

"You're a God!" I muttered, regretting the words as soon as they slipped from my mouth and I heard him sputter out his drink. 

"Not even close but thanks for the compliment. Why don't you get some sleep? We have an early start tomorrow." 

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