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"Ri, wake up. Ri you're having a nightmare. Ri wake up." A sudden shaking woke me from my slumber and I scurried away from the man hovering over me. My back smacked against a cold wall, and I let out a whimper, scared of what they had in store for me now. I couldn't even see them in the dark down here as they didn't want to waste money on things like electricity for 'those who didn't deserve it' Damien would say.  

Wrapping my arms around myself, my eyes adjusted to what little light there was to identify a lone figure remaining in the same spot where I had lain sleeping. He continued to talk to me, but I couldn't really understand what he was saying as I was repeatedly pulled back to relive the worst moments of my life. I tried to be as quiet as possible so that maybe he would forget about me, though I knew that wouldn't work I still needed to try as I couldn't do anything else, they were all much stronger than me. Even when I wasn't strung out on drugs fighting back was pointless and just ended up being the more painful option. 

Eventually it clicked that I shouldn't be able to see at all since there wasn't even any natural light in the cellar and anyone from that house would have lost patience and come at me long ago. As my eyes adjusted further I made out Sean's worried face with his hands raised. 

"I'm sorry Sean, I just-"

"No need to explain, it's alright you're not back there anymore. I'm not going to let them get to you if I have any say about it. Do you want some breakfast?" 

The thought of eating was making me want to throw up so I politely declined and an awkward silence began. No matter what I thought of him, he did help me and I couldn't bear the thought of him thinking that I was weak after all. Thinking along those lines, I peeled myself from the wall and chewed on a breakfast bar lying on the ground. It was solid and tasted old but it was something to eat and I learned long ago that something was always better than nothing.


"No problem. When you are finished do you want me to redo your bandages for you?" He asked patting the medical bag he had brought in from the kitchen no doubt. 

I couldn't help but shuffle away slightly, and shake my head not ready to put myself in such a precarious, trusting position so soon after my nightmare of truth. 

"It's alright, it doesn't have to be done right away but sometime today as I don't want them to get infected. Call me when you want them done, I'll just be um yeah." He said shaking his head as he headed towards the door. 

"Could you stay?" I asked and he turned his head shocked though he tried to hide it. "Please." I added, hating the thought of being alone, like I was back there. Somewhere inside of me I knew he wouldn't hurt me and I was tired of being alone. If I were ever going to try and live in the world again, strange as the thought was right now I would have to try and trust someone, who better than the man who wants to protect me. 

"Of course, what do you want to do?" Sean walked closer to me and this time I succeeded in not moving, though it took all of my concentration to do so. 

"Um...I don't mind. Talk I guess, but not about um you know...that." I hastened to add not wanting to open up a discussion that would only make me more upset. I wanted to forget what they did to me and forced me to do to them, though I could never forgive them for it, they had took that from me a little more each day. 

He sat down, neatly folding his legs under his tall frame, and despite what I had been through I couldn't help but notice his bare muscular arms and imagine what it would feel like to be wrapped up in them. I shook myself from those thoughts quickly though as I remembered all too clearly how muscles were often not used in my favour. 

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