Part 18

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The next day, Tatsumi woke up and looks at (Asia, Kanna, Valery, Stella, Erica, Luminous, Erza, Mariana, Medaka, Ei, Sona, Christine, Rishe, Tomoe, Kusaka, Akeno, Isabella, Tiamat, Rika, Mizuho, Tsunade, Kaori, Yui) the girls who was sleeping in nude as he had sex with them last night. Asia was the next person to wake up and sat up, rubbed her eyes.

Tatsumi: "Good evening beautiful."

He took her hand and kisses it lovingly.

Asia: "Good evening Tatsumi-kun."

He get off the bed and took the towel as he heads to the bathroom. Asia quickly grabs her towel and follow him. 30 minutes later, both of them were making dinner. He made omelet rices , Asia made fruit salad.

Tatsumi: "Is your legs still sore Asia? You know... last night we did 5 times."

He said with concerns. She just nodded.

Asia: "It still sore but it wasn't that bad, I can heal myself and the others with my Twilight Healing."

She replied with a smile.

Tatsumi: "That's a relief. I don't want uncle to hunt me down after knowing that I ravaging his daughter. He is a Satan after his father, Lucifer. Even if I'm strong, I'm nowhere near his level plus he had the experience under his belt."

He exclaimed in horror as he knew how scary his uncle is, not to mention his aunty... God knows what happened if they found out he ravaging their daughter. Asia giggles lightly.

Asia: "No worries Tatsumi-kun. Everything will be fine."

She pats his back for comfort.

Tatsumi: "Anyway.. I have things to do today so I'm not joining you girls for dinner. The Devil Council want to meet me for a reason. Those disgusting mongrels!"

He set the foods on the table while Asia prepared cold drinks for them.

Asia: "I see... that's too bad. I want to have dinner with you but it can't be help."

She said sadly. He walks up to her and kisses her forehead.

Tatsumi: "Next time okay? I love you Asia."

Magic circle appeared underneath him and he returned to the Underworld. In the meeting room, 4 Maous, Devil Councils as well heads of the other Household except Lucifer as they don't want him to intervene with their goal due to their failed attempts with Kanna Lucifer. They eagerly want to put an arranged marriage between Lucifuge Heir and Phoenix Heiress especially Lord Bael who love to stick noses where it doesn't belong. A minute or two, magic circle appeared in the meeting room and came out a figure, none other than Tatsumi Lucifuge himself.

Tatsumi: "Sirzechs, Serafall. Why you told me to came here? I do know the reason why but I would like to hear it from you two."

Before neither could answer, Head of the Bael intercept and said.

Lord Bael: "You are here to be put on arranged marriage with the Heiress of the Phoenix Household, Ravel Phoenix. It was for the betterment for the Pure-Blooded Devils."

Tatsumi sneered venomously as he respond.

Tatsumi: "Are you Sirzechs?"

He looks at Lord Bael with his sharp gaze. The latter cleared his throat nervously.

Lord Bael: "N-No... b-bu-"

He were rudely cut off by Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: "But what? I'm asking Sirzechs and Serafall not you, old geezer so butt out."

He said coldly. Head of the Bael clearly doesn't take this insult too well, unfortunately (fortunately) for him, Sirzechs interfere with a cough. He knew Tatsumi was more than capable of destroying all majority here which he prefer not to die by his cousin-in-law's hands.

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