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Jack liked my picture on Instagram and I wanted to cry but i was in a restaurant so I had to keep my shit together.

I woke up and turned over to see that Jack was still sleeping. I smiled remembering what had happened last night. I grabbed my bra and panties then put them on and walked into the bathroom. I switched on the shower and stripped again, there really wasn't any point in me putting them back on. I hopped in and let the water run down my body. I washed my hair then got out. I put on my underwear again and walked out the bathroom, to see that Finnegan was awake. "Well this was a nice sight to wake up to" he said smirking. I smiled sarcastically and grabbed some clothes out. I couldn't be bothered today with anything so I put on black ripped jeans and a grey hoodie. I was going through post sex depression. lmao is that a thing? Today I had a meet and greet really early but apart from that I had nothing else on. I walked over to the bed where a shirtless Jack was still laying. I layed down next to him and rested my head on his chest. He played with my hair and we stayed like this for ages until it was time for me leave. I got up and he looked at me then pouted. "Sorry" I said pouting also. "GOTTA ZAYN" I shouted then ran out the door.
I got to my meet and greet and I was inbetween Shane Dawson and Twaimz. Two of my favourite people. We all talked until it was time to meet people. I walked from behind the curtain and stood in front of a line of fans.
The meet and greet went pretty fast and I got a few gifts from people. One was matching t-shirts. One said 'Jack is my boyfriend' and the other said 'Izzy is my girlfriend' so Finnegan gets a shirt too.
I went back to the room and shock, Jack was still in bed. I jumped onto him and shouted "wake yo damn eyebrows up boy" he groaned and rubbed his eyes. He quickly grabbed my ankles and pulled me down so I was on top of him. I looked at him and he smiled. He then kissed my forehead and I put my head in his neck. Then someone burst through the door. It was a hungover Johnson. "Hey Johnson" I said. "Hey" he slurred. Me and Jack laughed and Johnson continued, "me and the boys are going to In & Out if you want to come with?" He said. "Sure, you in Izzy?" Jack said whilst throwing on some clothes. "Nah it's okay, I'll stay here" I replied. The boys nodded and walked out to go eat as many burgers as they could before they threw up. The reason I stayed was because I don't want to be in control of what Jack does and get in the way of him and his friends, like what some other girlfriends do.

I saw 5sos in concert on Tuesday and they were incredible omfg.

Mr Gilinsky - Jack Finnegan GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now