Chapter 1

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She looked at her laptop screen and couldn't believe her eyes. Mia had just received the e-mail she had been waiting for so long. It was the one that let her know that she was granted a 3-day access on the set of The Walking Dead. The happy girl got up and started dancing around the room with the widest smile on her face. In one week, she would be on the set of one of the best series in the world. It was for a big project, where she had to interview and observe the process of actors turning into their characters – mostly the villains because her project focused on the importance of villains in movies and series, what filming scenes looked like from backstage and so on.

The project was the final and most important project of the one-year course in Film Editing and Montage and it had to be good. It was going to be good because it would be based on those 3 days of observations, where she would meet talented actors and get to talk to them. If the essay was good enough she would get her degree and then start working in the film industry; she never wanted to be an actress or a director, but she had always wanted to be a part of what makes a movie good.

Picking her phone up she dialed Tony's number – Tony was the one person she got along so nicely with from the first day of classes; he was a really kind, sweet guy who made a good friend.

''What's uuup?'' he answered after the phone rang twice.

''Dude, dude, dude, dude'' Mia was ecstatic. ''Guess what?''.

''What? What happened?''.

''I got the 3-day pass to the TWD set. As in, next week I'm going to be there, surrounded by Danai Gurira, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Norman Reedus and everyone else. Like...what the fuck? I can't believe this, man'' she was out of air and her excitement reached the other end of the phone because Tony was smiling so widely at the news.

''Holy shit, congratulations Mia! I'm so happy for you, you've wanted this for so long, you deserve it. I'm so fucking excited for you'' he said, genuinely happy for his friend.

''Thank you, oh my god. I feel like this is a dream'' she replied, now laying on her bed, dreamingly looking at the ceiling, a particular actor in her mind – the one that played the villain, the one her project would mostly focus on.

''Maybe you can get me Nadia Hilker's number...It's...also...for my last project'' he coughed immediately after, making Mia laugh.

''You think I'm going there to flirt and to ask for numbers?'' she wished she could. ''They'd probably throw me out immediately. You can fantasize about her at night, I'll get you a framed picture of her or something''.

''Ew, Mia, you really think I'm like that?'' he joked, knowing perfectly he was just like that.

''Oh no, not at all'' she joked back. ''You're a saint, a fucking innocent guy''.

''Okay now I'm hurt. You should make it up to me and get out of that apartment to get ice cream with me'' he said.

''You know what? That sounds good. Meet me downstairs in...1 minute?'' she laughed. They lived one building away from each other.

''See ya'' Tony said before hanging up.

Mia checked her long, brown hair quickly, put on her shoes and left to meet her friend. He was already outside and she smiled at him while going in for a hug. He was a tall guy, his light brown, almost ginger hair sticking out in all places which actually made him look good, denim jacket covering an Iron Maiden shirt, and a pair of black jeans making his long legs look even longer. He was a cute guy but his kindness and good heart made him even cuter.

They got ice cream and sat inside next to the air conditioning as they looked outside the window and talked about their last project and Mia's three days of pure happiness.

''So are you sure you don't wanna try get Nadia's number for me?'' Tony winked at Mia as she shook her head.

''Nope. Not a single chance. I'm only there to get stuff for my project'' he assured him.

''Oh yeah sure, as if you're not gonna salivate over Mr. Morgan-hot-as-fuck'' he rolled his eyes jokingly.

She knew it would be a bit difficult to focus only on what she had to do for her project when people like Jeffrey Dean Morgan would be around. She knew that if she got the chance to interview him if would be embarrassing because she'd probably blush every other second. But hey, the good thing was that she was going to be there. Maybe things would turn out just fine. 

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