Chapter 17

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Mia's POV 

The following days went by fast and I was now having Friday's lunch with Freddie, Kayla, Avi Nash, Jeffrey and Jack - one of the camera men. I was getting more and more comfortable and confident in what I did and if it wasn't for me to be a video editor for The Walking Dead I'd still get to work there as a make up artist. It was all about finding that exact job I studied for somewhere else. I was fine. 

''So who's coming to the party next week?'' Avi asked as he chewed his food and everyone around said they were coming. I was excited yet nervous because I had never been to such big parties with so many people; beautiful people. 

''I'm so looking forward to the food'' Jack said as everyone laughed.

''Yeah me too'' Jeffrey responded with a smile. ''The food is always the best thing at those parties'' he took a glance at me and I blushed a bit. Jeffrey made me feel like a teenager in love with their teacher; when the teacher made eye contact that was it. Sometimes he would stare more than normal and I had to make weird faces to let him know. 

''What time was it again?'' I asked. 

''We're supposed to be there at 7 pm'' Freddie answered. Of course he knew all the details, he was the most excited one. 

''Are we supposed to bring a date?'' Kayla asked as she looked at Jeffrey. Okay? 

''No, it's just the normal stuff. We come with someone if we want to, if not, no problem'' Freddie replied. 

''Alright, Jeff, let's get to work. Thanks for the great company'' Avi said as he got up and looked at everyone. 

''Wonderful company'' Jeffrey said after, taking another quick glance at me. Ugh, I I adored him. ''See you around'' he waved and left with his co-worker. 

''Gosh, Jeffrey is so hot'' Kayla said and I thought I heard wrong at first. ''Like...ugh, so freaking hot'' she was rolling her eyes as if she couldn't take Jeffrey's beauty anymore and I wanted to laugh because she had no chance. The man was mine, honey. Mine. 

''Yeah, he is a pretty man. If he was gay I'd shoot my shot'' Fab Freddie said before he got up and hurried me, Kayla and Jack to do so too because we were just wasting time. Me, I was just shooting a few bullets towards Kayla in my head. I hoped she kept her hands off him and that she wouldn't try anything because damn, she wasn't going to get anything. 

As Fred and I were walking towards our work spaces he leaned over. ''I actually think Jeff's got a sweet eye for you'' he winked at me and I didn't know what to say so I just smirked. That wasn't news for me. His eyes went really wide then and his hand went for his mouth as if he saw a ghost. ''You've got something for him too, haven't you?'' he nudged me with his elbow and all I did was to continue smirking. ''No fucking way'' he stopped walking and just looked at me. '''re with him, aren't you?''. How did he notice that? Was it that obvious? 

''Maybe'' I had an innocent expression on my face. 

''You bitch! You're so fucking lucky'' he jumped up and down while clapping his hands. 

''Slow it down, Freddie, no one knows and we want to keep it this way for a while. Please, I beg you, don't tell anyone'' I begged him. ''I trust you''. 

''Don't worry about it, babe, I'm not like that. I'll keep it shut'' he looked me in the eyes and I knew he was trustworthy. ''So you're not going to the party as a couple then?''. 

''Nope, we're gonna be just...friends''. 

''You can come with me if you want, I'm going alone anyway. I can pick you up if you want'' he made a little dance move and smiled widely. Damn, he was really excited for the party. 

''We can do that'' I smiled at him. The party was going to be fun. 

I was on Jeffrey's gigantic couch, his dogs cuddled up next to me, waiting for him to get out of the shower when my phone rang. Seeing Tony's name on the screen, I smiled. 

''Heeey, T'' I answered. 

''Hiiiiii'' he was as excited as me to hear his best friend's voice. It had been a while, both having jobs to take care of. 

''Man, I miss you so much'' he said, voice turning sad. 

''I miss you too, you have no idea how much'' I hadn't seen my best friend in almost one month. It sucked and we needed to do something together. ''How are you? How's work?''. 

''I'm alright, just stressed as fuck. I always have a lot to do. How's yours? Did you convince your boss you're a good video editor?''. 

''It's good. Also stressful but fun. I wish I was a video editor officially though, like...both make up artist for The Walking Dead and a video editor. I still have like 2 and a half weeks left to convince him, so we'll see'' I explained. 

''I'm sure you'll kick ass. Otherwise you can work where I do, that way we can hang out more''. 

''You're fucking wonderful, I can't wait to see you again'' I was almost tearing up. I loved my best mate so much. 

''Do you wanna meet up some time next weekend?'' he asked. 

''I'm at this big party on Saturday, but how about Sunday?''. 

''That'll do. Text me when you know what we can do besides eating to death'' he laughed. We always did that. 

''I will. Can't wait to see you'' I said. 

''You too. Take care'' Tony said before we hung up. 

Suddenly, I realized that Jeffrey was leaning against the door frame all that time, eating ice cream and listening. ''Have you been standing there the whole time?'' I smiled as I looked at his naked upper body and admired it. 

''Yeah. Don't you miss him a bit too much?'' he asked before he came and sat on the couch, holding on to his dear ice cream. It amused me, was he jealous or was he playing? 

 It amused me, was he jealous or was he playing? 

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''Are you...jealous?'' I raised an eyebrow. 

''Mmmmaybe'' he smirked a bit. ''He's young, he's fun, he knows you well, and so fucking on''. Oh my god, he was jealous. My man was jealous of my best friend. 

''So what if he's young? Maybe I'm into older men'' I winked. ''You're jealous, oh my. He's my best friend, love, we're close as fuck. That's it''. 

''I know, sorry. You're just too fucking beautiful for this world, you can have whoever you want. There's not a single soul on this planet who wouldn't want you'' he looked at me with beautiful eyes. 

''But the only one I want is you. I can honestly say the same thing to you. I personally see you as the most handsome human in this world and because of that you can also have whoever the fuck you want'' I said sincerely. 

''Fuck, you're precious. You're the one I want now and forever, baby girl'' he told me. I wanted to tell him ''I love you'' so desperately, it was so close to coming out, but maybe it was too early, maybe it would be too much. So I said it in my mind. ''What?'' I heard him say and I wondered what he meant.

''What? I didn't say anything'' I said, confusion on my face. Please tell me I didn't think out loud. 

 ''Yes you did'' he said, a big, lovely smile on his face. ''I love you too, angel. I love you so fucking much you have no idea''. 

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