06; you don't care

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VI. you don't care

Elizabeth sat by the gate, awaiting her fathers' arrival. After what would've looked like a dysfunctional family dinner to any outsider, she'd been granted some time alone. Negan had made it very clear that it was because she'd asked nicely and that she should be grateful; she'd fought hard not to punch him in the face.

It'd been a ridiculous sight; Olivia had cradled her sister in her arms while throwing distasteful glances at Negan, who seemed oblivious to both Olivia's and Carl's emotional gazes. Elizabeth had been sure that Carl would snap, but somehow, he kept it together. It was morbid, seeing how the baseball bat Negan so often carried around got a whole own seat and set of cutleries at the table; he proved to have some sense when he decided to not shove up food on Lucille's plate, though Elizabeth could tell that Negan debated on it.

It made her frustrated that she could fall for his games at times; she'd talked to him like nothing was wrong earlier when they were cooking, she'd even missed a clear opportunity to kill him. For what? She didn't know. He had a way with words that deceived her into a false image of safety, even comfort at times. He could take her mind somewhere else, distract her from the man he was, if only for a little while.

Elizabeth watched as some of the Saviors worked by the gates, going over some inventory with the warm sunrays dancing over them. Elizabeth caught the gaze of the blonde woman she'd seen at the meeting just earlier that week, remembering that her name was Laura. She caught her gaze for a moment, seeing a hint of a kind smile on the woman's lips for just a brief time before Elizabeth's attention turned to someone approaching her.

"Life with the dictator not treating you well Miss Grimes?"

Oliver's accent soothed her; she opened her eyes with a small smile on her lips. Her back leaned against the wall as she sat on the cold and hard ground, Oliver sat down next to her with a smooth movement.

"It's odd," she spoke in simple words, somehow, she knew that Oliver would probably understand. He didn't know much about her past or her pain, but he still knew her emotions inside out.

"How come? Is it because he's an actual nonce and definitely has a thing for you or just because he's a maniac on a never-ending killing spree?"

"Mostly number two I'd say, number one is unlikely."

"I wouldn't say that since he literally was about to rip my head off there for a second and probably would've if I hadn't left."

"Oh, shut up," Elizabeth muttered, aiming her elbow in his side lightly. Oliver chuckled, smiling down at her with his large eyes somewhat narrowed.

"I'm worried about you."

"Don't be," Elizabeth spoke, smiling at him with some kind of conviction in her voice. Oliver looked straight in front of him, pushing up the sleeves of his hoodie over his elbows.

"I'm surprised he even let you out of his sight, he's been hawking over you ever since you got here."

"Well, technically I am a prisoner of war," Elizabeth chuckled, looking at him with a matter-of-factly gaze. Oliver chuckled, looking to the ground as he placed his arms over his bent knees.

"Why does it always have to be you, Elizabeth Grimes?"

Elizabeth shook her head, smiling before looking ahead of her and focusing her gaze at one of the houses. "How's Mags? Sasha?"

"They both seem okay, Maggie's strong and Sasha seems to push forward. People seem happy that they're in Hilltop and wants Maggie to be in charge even. I think it's helping them to be away for a while," Oliver spoke, shrugging lightly.

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