13; gone

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XIII; gone

Negan was irritated; the day had not gone according to plan. He liked Sasha, he really did. No, he didn't expect her to fall in line and do as he asked; these people weren't like that. But he did see something special in her, something rare. He couldn't put his finger on it exactly, realizing that it didn't matter anymore - she was gone, a rotting corpse on the ground.

Negan assumed the worst when it came to Elizabeth. He hadn't seen her since right after Sasha had attacked him; he'd gotten a glimpse of her, the frail body standing frozen on the truck right before she bolted towards the town. She wanted to take over his mind, but he wouldn't let her - not yet anyways. He let the fear slip, and he focused back on the situation at hand. 

In front of him, Carl and Rick were on their knees. Rick looked to have taken a bullet in his hip, but Negan couldn't say exactly. He was grimacing though, indicating a lot of pain. Negan usually enjoyed these moments, where he was in complete charge of the outcome. He liked the attention, enjoyed seeing the fear as he paced with the bat on his shoulder. Now, he was just annoyed, uncertain of what to do.

Nothing had gone as it was supposed to. He'd told Elizabeth; it was supposed to be easy, a short exchange and a slap on the wrist as a lesson for the future. He pinched the bridge of his nose; how the fuck did Sasha end up dead in that casket?

He didn't want to, but just thinking of the way that Elizabeth had been acting all day made Negan almost certain that she had something to do with it, and that disturbed him. Negan doesn't get surprised, because he always knows what's going on before others do.

It wasn't an accident, that he knew for sure. Sasha was brave, she was strong, and Negan knew damn well that she'd die for the people she cared about. The single tear she'd shed when they'd been talking that morning told him everything he needed to know.

"Well, shit Rick. This is one hell of a situation you've put me in," Negan finally spoke after a few moments of silence. "Where's my girl?"

Rick almost looked ready to spit at his feet, making Negan think of the first time he'd laid eyes on the girl, how she'd stood her ground even with the threat of Lucille hanging over her. "She's not yours."

Negan chuckled, pointing at Rick with the bat. "She's mine, just like you are. I own you; I think you forgot that but don't worry, I'm going to freshen up your memory real soon," Negan spoke, pushing at Carl's hat with the palm of his hand. She wasn't his; he knew that. A girl like her wasn't property, she was a raging fire and couldn't be contained. "But here's the fucking thing Rick; I really like your kids, but your older daughter in particular, oh man! We've been having the greatest time this week-"

"Is that why she blasted the first chance she got?" Carl broke in, looking at Negan with defiance in his eyes. Negan looked at him for a moment before chuckling, slinging Lucille over his shoulder. He looked at Carl with a smirk, bending down a bit to his level. "Because she's been having a great time?"

"Between you and me kid? I heard she likes older men with beards," Negan spoke, making Carl narrow his eye as he stared up at the man. Negan averted his attention from Carl and looked at Rick who was staring at the ground in front of him. "So, tell me where the fuck she is."

Rick looked at Negan, his blank expression turning into a grin. "She's gone. Don't you get it? She's not here anymore. You will never get her back."


Elizabeth was walking in the opening of the forest, right by the road. She kept to the side of the open road to avoid getting detected by anyone. A backpack hung on her shoulders and she'd grabbed a jacket on her way out; she'd made her way inside her house to get whatever supplies she'd need for the walk she was about to make. Some canned food, a water bottle, a knife, a pair of warmer pants to pull over her shorts in case she wouldn't make it before nightfall. She felt like she had everything she'd need, hoping that she wouldn't be surprised by anything.

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