08; made for this world

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VIII. made for this world

Negan woke up at eight the following morning, getting a bit of a late start compared to when he usually got up. Negan enjoyed waking up early; he spent his entire days around people, he hardly had time to relax and be alone. He liked to use the time he got before the day started to think and make plans.

Lately, he had a lot to think about. Elizabeth was truly something else, and he wasn't sure what to make of it. The thought had crossed him before, if Red really was the right choice for Lucille. It had seemed obvious, but he wasn't so sure anymore. He liked her; she was a real spitfire. She took no shit, not for her or her family. These same characteristics were what made him so uncomfortable; she questioned him, called him out. He knew that the hatred in her burned like an ember, it made him wonder when that ember would start a raging fire in her.

It troubled Negan that he might be a bit too fond of the girl. They hadn't spent much time together; she'd only been at the Sanctuary for a little over a week and she wasn't exactly eager to be in his company. Despite this, he felt the attractive force pulling him towards her grow in strength every time he saw her. 

Maybe it was her honesty, maybe it was her strength. Negan didn't know; the only thing he was sure of was that he felt bad for what he'd put her through, and that was a feeling Negan rarely felt. When she looked at him with those large eyes he seemed to get caught, and then, she was the most important person in the world.

Negan was a primitive man, enjoying life's simple pleasures; this was the excuse he used to shrug off his fascination with Elizabeth. Of course, he convinced himself it was just a sexual attraction that would never be responded. But, the moment they'd shared the night before right before he left had got him wondering if there was something there. Of course, she pushed him away, but there had been something in her eyes.

Negan estimated that he was around the same age as Rick, seeing as Elizabeth was exactly twenty years younger than him. Of course, the apocalypse made things a bit less complicated, but Negan was convinced it was a bit much for the girl. Clearly, she shared something with the blond man he'd met in Alexandria, giving Negan a hint at her prefered age span. Not that he cared, obviously.

He brushed his teeth, glancing at himself in the mirror. His beard was itchy and getting longer, but he wouldn't shave just yet. He spit out his toothpaste, leaving the bathroom in a haste. He didn't really have much to do that day, but knowing how things had panned out lately, he'd probably be surprised by a hell of a lot more issues to resolve than he expected. Of course, a new prisoner had been locked in one of the cells, but Negan didn't have the energy to deal with that just yet. He left his room in his usual attire, deciding to keep the day open and see where it took him.

He made his way to room 305, knocking on the door with the tip of Lucille. The barbed wire caused a shrieking sound as it collided with the heavy steel door, the noice left Negan shivering.

"Sweetheart, time for breakfast."

No response. Negan sighed, knocking once more before opening the door just to be met by complete silence. The room was completely empty, the bottle of wine still standing untouched on the table with the grapes. Negan's eye twitched, looking at the room in disbelief. For some reason, his immediate assumption was that the girl had tried to escape. He collided his fist with the wall next to him, turning around and walking through the hallways of the Sanctuary with a different attitude than before. His good mood from his sleep-in vanished before he even knew what had happened. Negan did not like it when things didn't go as he planned for them to.

She had hardly left her room in the week she'd been there, not even to eat. Her sudden desire to explore and Negan's habit of losing his temper a bit too quickly made for an interesting meeting when Negan just so happened to pass the cafeteria, seeing Elizabeth sitting at a table with a bowl of oatmeal and a banana. The sunlight shone through the big windows, leaving her otherwise dark hair almost glowing red. She covered her upper body with a flannel that looked about Negan's size, but her legs were bare with only a pair of shorts covering her and he had a hard time looking away from her exposed skin. Negan stopped and stared at her, seeing her spoon some of the food into her mouth before covering her lips with one hand as she laughed. Simon was sitting at the other side of the table, grinning as he was telling the girl something.

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