15; the only way

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XV; the only way

"I spoke to Sasha this morning."

Jesus looked at her with a question in his gaze, but he didn't say the words. Elizabeth looked distant, keeping her gaze on the area which had become the Hilltop graveyard and the final resting place of Sasha Williams. Her eyes looked vibrant, brighter blue than Jesus had ever seen them and somehow Jesus could see new life in her.

"She came to me, looked at me with that grin only she could muster," Elizabeth spoke, smiling in a way Jesus hadn't seen in a long time. "She didn't really talk about anything special, just whatever came to her mind. I miss them so much, I think I'm going insane."

"You're not," Jesus spoke, though he couldn't be sure. But, he was convinced that after the row of traumatic experiences she'd been through, a few conversations with the dead wasn't anything groundbreaking. "Stranger things have happened. I mean, you are sitting face to face with Jesus after all."

Elizabeth tugged at her lips, grinning at his comment before sighing. "She talked about Abraham and what he'd said to her that morning, and I almost forgot that they're not here. It's been three weeks and I'm on my knees struggling to get up in the morning at the thought of not seeing his stupid smile. How am I supposed to go an entire lifetime without him?"

"Well, considering your smoking habits it's not going to be a very long lifetime," Jesus spoke, poking at her shoulder, to which she poked out her tongue at him. "It gets easier every day, not saying that it's going to be easy per say. But, you're going to wake up one day and be grateful that you got the days you did with him, instead of being sad about the days you didn't. All of us; Maggie, Daryl, Rick, me... we're not going anywhere."

"You are godsent," she said, seeing him wiggle his eyebrows at her words. "You're my best friend now, since number one and two died. It's an honorary roll, you should be proud."

"Are you sure that a tall and handsome serial killer isn't beating me to it then?" Jesus half-teased, though there was a serious question below his humor. Elizabeth shook her head, looking at him with half a smile.

"I'm sure."

"Seems to be a cursed role, seeing how things went for the other guys," Jesus tried, satisfied when he saw her laugh.

"It's at your own risk of course," she spoke, seeing him smile with his eyes. "I am very thankful for you, you know. Jokes aside, I don't know what I would've done without you."

"You would've figured it out."


"Come on," he spoke, grinning. "Nonetheless, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere Grimes. You and me, we make a good team."

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess we do."


She slammed the car door shut, looking around the field with a blank expression. Inside her, emotions were raging and she didn't know what to think about everything. Everyone was there; she could see her father and the Alexandrians that were fighting for him. Ezekiel and Shiva were standing proud, looking like something ripped out of a fairytale. The group from Hilltop were the last to arrive, walking up to where the others were preparing. She caught her fathers' eye, seeing him nod towards her in acknowledgement.

Her brother walked up to her, offering her a rare smile. She returned it, standing by one of the cars at a far distance from the groups that had turned into one. She could see her fathers' lips moving, assuming that it was time for a pep talk before the grand attack. She shivered thinking about it, feeling uncertain about everything.

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