epilogue; mercy

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epilogue; mercy


His gaze drifted, moving over the people that had gathered around them. He was no longer aware of the rate at which his heart was beating, not seeing the content gazes of the Militia surrounding them. Not even Carl's disappointed eyes stood out to him anymore; all he could see was her, sitting on her knees in the grass.

Her bloody hands granted Rick no relief, no peace of mind. Time had frozen, only to move far too quick when it started ticking again. The wind swept over his face, chilling his sweaty body before the sunrays regained control.

"No," Rick spoke again, shaking his head. He took one, two, three steps towards his daughter, hearing the hum of her cries as she watched Negan fall to the ground. Her cheeks were red like her hands, stained with tears and blood when Negan reached out a shaking hand to her. The knife fell to the ground just like her, when she dropped on her knees and looked Negan in the eyes.

Rick took place next to his daughter, placing a shaking hand on her shoulder. She didn't look at him, Rick didn't matter; Negan was all to her, and soon he would be no more, just one in the crowd of bodies which had fallen dead to the ground that day.

"I loved you," he heard his daughter whisper under her breath, the tears making streaks in the blood on her cheek. Rick felt nothing in his hollow body, besides a fear of losing his daughter as well. "But I don't think that was enough."

"No," Rick spoke again, now determined. He looked up towards the group of people on the top of the hill. The silence was deafening, speaking every truth as only the wind blowing through the leaves broke it. No one celebrated even as the man they'd all came out to finish fell to the ground with his hand clasped around his neck, the blood pumping out like resin from a tree.

"Save him."

Siddiq moved quickly, at Negan's side within seconds. Rick watched him, averting his gaze when footsteps approached them. Paul was on his knees in front of Elizabeth, but the woman wouldn't look at him when he spoke. Jesus eyes were wide as he tried desperately to get contact with her, get her to look away from the blood.

"No, he can't!"

Maggie tried to tear herself away from Michonne's protecting arms, but to no avail. Her pleads for justice rang through the air as the people around them watched silently.

"No, he killed Glenn! We have to- we have to end it, Rick! We have to make it right."

Rick heard Michonne mumble something in Maggie's ear, but the grieving woman's sobs made it impossible for Rick to hear. His gaze traveled to Elizabeth, seeing Jesus hopeless attempts at making her stand up or do something other than look at Negan's body. Siddiq worked in full focus, patching Negan up to stop the blood oozing out.

"It's over."

Maggie protested, her body collapsing from the panic wrapped around her like a snare. Rick couldn't look at her, couldn't be convinced to change his mind. His gaze drifted, landing on his son – Carl was shaken, he realized that he hadn't understood his sister at all.

He thought of Enid, how well her hand fit in his, how good it felt to be around her and how happy she made him. He thought of Elizabeth, how she'd looked at Negan, her face when she heard his voice over the communication system. His strong, brave sister had been the strongest and bravest without him noticing, doing what she thought had to be done even though it would break her in the process. He thought of how she'd talked about Maggie and her son, how they wouldn't be able to live with Negan around – he realized that maybe Elizabeth wouldn't be able to live with herself if she forced them to do so.

Negan was carried away, a trail of people leaving right after. Jesus took Elizabeth's hand, finally seeing her turn her gaze away from the grass with the pool of red on it. Paul covered her hand, shielding her eyes from the warm blood. She looked him in the eyes, following him away from the place without a word.

Rick stood, watching after his daughter as she left. A tear dropped from his eyes, soon to be removed with the palm of his hand. He leaned against the large tree, sliding down the harsh stem as a smile broke out on his lips.

His voice was hoarse, the lump in his throat leaving for the first time in a month. He felt the dark noose around his neck being lifted, finally able to breathe again. He was free, his family was free. Things wouldn't be the same; they'd be better, he was sure of it.

"My mercy prevails over my wrath."



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