Chapter Twenty-Two

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The sun's rays were crossing the thin curtains of Eireen's room and hit Sehun's face who at one point began to become uncomfortable with the clarity over his eyes and slowly opened them and let a small groan slip between his lips. Looking at the curtains and wall of the bedroom, Sehun turns around on the bed looking at his side, Eireen lying on her stomach with her head on the pillow and her hair all over her face. Sehun chuckled softly so as not to wake her up, and with the tip of his fingers, he smoothly traced the girl's face, pulling the strands of hair away from her face; Eireen moved a little, snuggling on the pillow and stretching herself. Sehun took his hand from the girl's face and the girl opened her eyes slowly, looking at him.

The girl sketched a little smile at him and raised her head from her pillow, grabbing her mobile phone that was on the little white bedside table, looking at the time. It was 11AM. She dropped her body back onto the mattress, and looked at Sehun who had his eyebrow raised, shaking his head almost as if he had guessed that's what she did every morning before going to work. Seeing the time and crying that it was too early and she was still sleepy and tired.

"I should go home." Sehun said as he pulled the sheets back ready to get up.


"Just so you have the rest of the day for yourself, you can sleep some more." He explained by touching with his feet on the soft wood of the floor and getting up from the bed with the help of his arms. Eireen frowned.

"It's early, I have the whole day for that." She answered. "You seem a little weird since I asked you if you could spend the night. You know?"

"Eireen, I know." Sehun said with a sigh, making the girl confused. Grabbing his clothes and starting by putting on his pants, he looked over his shoulder, staring at the girl. "I know you have commitment issues and I don't want to make it worse."

"If I was uncomfortable, I'd tell you..."

"I just want you to know that it's okay, if you want to label what we have you can, if you don't we don't have to." Sehun said turning to her while buttoning his pants. Placing his hand on the mattress to support his weight, he leans forward giving a little kiss on the her forehead. 

"Yes, I have some commitment issues and they weren't in my favor in my relationships but I'm okay." Eireen clarified him by getting out of bed and going around, approaching him. "If I asked you it's because I don't mind, if I was umfortable, I'd tell. You don't have to like run. Besides, I'm going to the cattery today, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to keep me company." She said, wrapping her arms around his torso and leaning her chin against his chest, looking up.

"I'd love to." Sehun shook his head. "But I really need to shower and change clothes."

Eireen laughed and shook her head, she moved away from Sehun to let him finish dressing. The two of them eventually agreed that he would go to the house to take a shower and change and then they would meet to go to the cattery. The girl was really looking for cats and really wanted to go ahead with the idea even though she was a person who liked dogs more, the new position in the company occupied her too much time and she needed an animal that was more independent and that would be happier for her to leave the house than to come home. The girl accompanied him to the door and closed the door as soon as he turned his back and walked to the elevator; walking back inside and heading to the kitchen where she did something simple to eat, then heading to the bathroom to take a shower. She left the bathroom, wrapped in a towel in hurried steps to the bedroom so as not to fall because she had forgotten her slippers in the bedroom and was walking around the house barefoot.The girl opened the glass door behind the bed, entering her closet and took off some grey sweatpants, a black strapless shirt, and a grey flannel jacket. She came out of the closet, threw her things on the bed and lay down with her cell phone in her hand to burn some time.

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