Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Two days later, Sehun slowly opened his eyes and turned around on his stomach, slowly taking his arm off his sleeping girlfriend and rubbed his eyes, slowly opening them and looking at Eireen who had her back to him, hugging the sheet. With help from his arms, Sehun supported his weight, lifting his torso and getting on top of Eireen, he pulled her cheek slightly, which made the girl grumble under her breath and move, trying to hide her face on the pillow, but he stopped her. After a few moments, feeling someone's gaze over her, Eireen opened her eyes, looking at Sehun who was on top of her, resting with his arm on the mattress. She rolled her eyes while he could not contain a giggle; pressing his lips against the girl's cheek and nibbling lightly, Sehun got up from bed. The girl stretched out and continued lying down while he left the room and went to the bathroom. 

As soon as she heard the sound of water running in the bathroom, Eireen got up from the bed, she grabbed her bag while she rubbed her eye with her back hand and yawned. She grabbed a pair of black jeans, which she eventually added to the black strapped shirt she had already taken out of the bag and the black blazer Sehun took. It was wide and long, just like she liked. She put things on the bed when the bathroom door opened. Eireen looked away at the door, seeing Sehun with a white towel around his waist, his body wet and his hair. He passed his hand on the back of his neck. Eireen passed by him to go to the bathroom when she felt Sehun's cold hand on her wrist; Sehun pulled her close, giving her a kiss in her temple and laughing "I know you stole my blazer." The girl started laughing and he lets her go, letting her take a bath. He stayed in the room. 

When they were both done, they both left the hotel room and went downstairs to have breakfast. The couple passed the hotel entrance and left. They looked both ways and chose a path of their own, starting to walk down the street. That despite being 11AM was not very crowded. After walking for some time, the two entered an industrial-styled coffee shop with metal furniture and dark metal shelves, stopped behind two girls, in a line. Sehun was behind Eireen, who had her arms crossed, with one hand in his pocket and the other around her waist as they looked at the chalkboard with the menu written on it. Some people were at the counter making orders to take away and the couple went to sit at an empty table by the window. A girl approached them both, not taking her eyes off Sehun. The girl took note of the requests, only talking to Sehun and almost ignoring the presence of the little black-haired girl who raised her eyebrow, and left. 

"You know, your eyes might pop off if you keep looking at the waitress like that." Sehun slightly chuckled and glanced at her. 

"I'm not looking at her." Eireen looked away and focused on Sehun. "I'm looking at that painting on the wall." 

"How cute of you to think I'm dumb."


"I know you're jealous, Eireen." He said as he shook his head. "I don't understand why, but oh, you are."

"I'm not jealous." Eireen responded in a monotone voice, hinting that she didn't care. 

"You're not that good with pretending." He pointed out. 

"She pretended the whole time that I wasn't here. It just bothered me a little." She confessed. "That's all." She shrugged. 

"So you're admitting you're jealous?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow at her. 

"I'm saying she was rude."

Meanwhile the girl returned with their orders on an aluminum tray. Two orange juices and the Korean pancakes that Eireen loves so much that they are crispy and soft at the same time and stuffed. 


In the end, the two of them got up, going to the counter to pay. Where Eireen rolled her eyes three more times thinking that Sehun hadn't noticed, but he looked at her out of the corner of his eye and bit his lip, laughing softly. After paying, the two of them decided to go for a walk around town. They passed by several little shops, some street stalls and even a garden nearby that was beautiful. Several people sat on the grass with a towel, some with food, others just lying there while they read or listened to music; others did some exercise. Until they left the park and passed a small bookstore, looking old, Eireen looked at some books in the display case and grabbed Sehun's hand and pulled him into the store. They walked down the aisles of shelves full of books until they stopped. Sehun was on one side of a bookshelf while Eireen was on the other. They had their backs facing each other as they talked together in a nearly empty bookstore. 

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