Chapter Thirty-Three

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It had been a few weeks since Sehun had returned to his hometown. He had gone during the week, on a Wednesday morning, after spending the afternoon of the day before with Eireen, where they decided to enjoy the last hours together. So that those moments in the comfort of each other's arms were enough until Eireen joined him. Once they knew that Eireen's transfer would be more difficult and take a little longer because of their important position in the company. The short girl with black hair stirred her body between the sheets of her bed and turned her face to the light, shoving it on her pillow and groaning for not wanting to get up. The alarm clock kept ringing until Eireen stretched out her arm to the bedside table, grabbed the phone and turned off the alarm, putting the phone next to the pillow on the mattress. With some laziness Eireen let her body guide her to the wardrobe, where she took something comfortable to wear; like black sweatpants and a white crop top. The plan for the day was simple: go to the company to pick up some things that were missing, come home to finish packing the rest that was missing at home and prepare things for Seth to go and spend some time at Astrid's house, who had offered to stay with him, while Eireen organized himself in the town of Sehun's parents. 

She quickly left home as soon as she finished dressing and grabbed her purse. She drove to the company and made her way to her office where, as soon as she opened the door, she saw the cardboard box she had left on her desk the day before. She walked to the desk and went around it, grabbing the box and looking around. Mentally she only hoped that Sehun's mother would get better and she could return there soon. Taking a deep breath and filling her lungs with air, the girl lowered her head and left the office. Closing the door behind her with the help of her foot, she looked at Jiwon's empty desk. Eireen let her body guide her to the exit and then to her car again, opening the door and putting the cardboard box on the seat next to hers and then, closing her door. The girl took her hands to her face, pulling out the strands of hair she had in front of her eyes and putting them behind her ears, getting ready to go back home. 


There were calm songs, playing low, as her voice tried to pronounce each word very carefully while she was distracted packing her clothes. Within half an hour, she was interrupted by a bell, it seems that Azra and Kai had arrived. Eireen put down the pair of pants, which she was folding to put in her bag, on her bedspread and got up, walking in a hurry to the door to stop her friend from ringing again. As soon as she reached the lock, Eireen turned to the side and pulled back, opening the door and seeing her friend with Kai behind her carrying little Yoona in his arms. Eireen smiled at the three of them and leaned back, giving them space to go inside. Azra and Kai enter the house and quickly walked to the girl's living room and Eireen, after closing the door, followed them. Kai quickly sat down on the couch with Yoona sitting on his thigh and gave her a little kiss on her forehead, which made her smile and swing her little arms in the air. Eireen couldn't help but smile when she saw little Yoona all happy after she got a kiss from her father.

Feeling Azra standing behind her, Eireen took a step aside and looked at her friend. "Thank you for coming." Eireen finally said with a small grin.

"Did you really think we were not going to?" Azra asked with a frown and took a glance of her friend.

"I was just worried." Eireen said with a nod. "I know it's Kai's day off and I'm sure you guys had better plans." 

"We were just going to stay inside with Yoona." Azra confessed with a chuckle. "And probably pass out on the couch watching a movie while Yoona had her nap."

"Sounds like a funny evening." 

Leaving Kai in the living room with Yoona playing, the girls walked to Eireen's room which was half tidy, half messy. Azra laughed, expecting nothing else from her friend and quickly grabbed some pieces of clothing that were at the bottom of the bed to be folded and tidied up in the closet while Eireen sat back where she had been before and grabbed the pair of jeans she had left next to the suitcase. 

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