Chapter Thirty-Two

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It was Saturday, Eireen had gone shopping and had just come home. She put the bags down in the kitchen and went to her room where she put everything on top of her bed and undressed as she walked down the hall to the bathroom to get under the shower and take a hot bath to relax. She turned on the tap and water started to flow, she felt several drops of cold water over her head that as the minutes went by she warmed up. With her eyes closed, Eireen leaned her head back and took her hands to her face, rubbing it and pulling her hair back. She straightened her head, sighed deeply and opened her eyes, looking at the grey tiles in front of her. 

Opening the door of his bathtub, Eireen lands his feet on the soft carpet that was on the floor and grabbed the first towel that she can reach, wrapping it around her body. She left the bathroom and went into the bedroom as soon as she approached the bed, Eireen let her body fall on the mattress, which made the mattress shake slightly and Seth, who was lying on the girl's pillow, raised its head looking at the girl who had fallen on the bed as if she had given up her life and quickly ignored, laying its head down again and closing its eyes. Gaining courage, Eireen got up and put on something comfortable and dragged her body out of the room towards the kitchen where she quickly reached the shelf and took out a bowl and her cereal. She was going to call it lunch. The girl sat at the kitchen table with her legs on the chair while she ate and moved her cell phone. She ended up on some social network and slipped through her friends' publications. She sighed deeply and rolled her eyes while she ate lunch. 

After making sure everything in the kitchen was properly tidied up, she decided to go sit down on the couch for a while and give the TV a chance. She looked for the remote control between the sofa cushions and, after clicking the button, there were several news items traveling in front of her eyes. Her gaze caught on the TV, but her mind remained somewhere far away. She could understand what Azra meant, at the same time as she understood Sehun's motives and the sudden attitude and solution he found to her problem. Eireen stopped in time, for brief moments, until she got up, turned off the screen in front of her and made her way to her room. As a responsible housewife, or because she was going crazy and needed to be distracted from what had happened the day before, she decided to clean up her room. She fixed the bed, tidied up the clothes spread over the bedspread and went to the bathroom in order to do the same. When she finished, she decided to tidy up her dresser drawers. She had an annoying habit of taking off a sweater, not liking it and stuffing it in the drawer without folding it. Pretend it didn't happen. The next one can tidy up if he wants to... But she lives alone. She's the one who had to do it. 

Bored, Eireen grabbed her makeup. Is she leaving the house? No. Eireen hates to leave home on weekends. Still, there was nothing more to define her than being bored and training her makeup skills. Some people paint on canvas, furniture, even sneakers. Eireen decides to paint her face. She gets involved in any and every challenge, never without complaining about how difficult it is. Although she only wore one red lipstick in her day-to-day life. The clown face she left to herself, her four walls and her bald cat. Apparently, that's her way of expressing art. She placed everything on the table in front of the mirror and grabbed a brush. She fixed her hair, previously tied up, and observed her reflection in the mirror and, with a forced smile, filled her lips, from ear to ear. It was only a matter of time before she decided to wipe her face. She sat back in bed. She was lying on her stomach looking up at the white ceiling until in half an hour she was interrupted by the noise of a notification reaching her cell phone. Azra. "Have you spoken to Sehun? He's leaving in a few days, Eireen." The girl raised her body almost automatically from her bed. She ran to her drawers looking for something she was interested in and put on, grabbing her cell phone, house and car keys, she walked out the door. She got into her car that was parked outside the building and drove to Sehun's house. 

The girl parked the car nearby, locked the car and ran out to the gray building down the street. Lucky for her, by the time she got to the door of the building, an old lady was leaving. She smiled at the woman and grabbed the door, entering immediately and went up to Sehun's apartment, knocking on the door. She knocked three times as she always did and waited for him to open. Sehun took a while, which made Eireen worried and afraid until she heard the door latch turn and looked like it had lifted an enormous weight from her shoulders. 

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