Chapter Twenty-Six

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The dark-haired girl had just come home, put some food in the bowl and changed the water in the other one and put them both on the floor for Seth. She took off her heels, leaving them along the corridor as she walked to the bathroom; she took off her black shirt and pants, throwing them into the basket of laundry like a ball and turned on the water, letting the water run down until it warmed. She turned to the mirror and took off her earrings and put them down beside the sink, turning to the bathtub and seeing some steam the girl goes into the bath, putting herself under the shower and feeling the scalding water touching her head and shoulders, relaxing her muscles she let a sigh escape. After a long bath, the girl pulled out the first towel she can reach and wrapped it around her body, leaving the bathtub, she grabbed a smaller towel and wrapped it around her hair. The mirror all fogged up, the girl opened the bathroom door watching Seth walking calmly back to her room and she followed him. Dropping her body as she approached her bed. The girl began to feel her heavy eyes as soon as she let herself relax in bed, she got up quickly and got dressed, going back to bed where she quickly fell asleep and ignoring that she would probably have to eat something. 

The girl rolled over in bed as soon as she heard the shrill alarm sounding all over the room. She groaned in frustration, and grabbed her cell phone, turning it off. Dropping her head back on the fluffy pillow, she sighed deeply. She pulled back the sheets and looked over to her side, watching Seth sleep like a little angel beside her, and got up from the bed, walking to her closet and taking off some black jeans, a basic black sweater and a blazer, she took off the bed and went out to the kitchen. Eireen approached the shelves pulling out a bowl, she took the milk out of the fridge and grabbed the box of cereal that was practically finished, but she was too lazy to go shopping. She sighed, thinking that when she got back from work she had to go to the supermarket and pulled out a chair, sitting down to eat. With one elbow on the table and her head resting on her hand as she ate, as the minutes passed the girl began to feel nauseous. She put the spoon down in the bowl and pushed the bowl away. With her hand covering her mouth, the girl ran to the bathroom. 

She came out of the bathroom and rubbed her eyes, still feeling a bit queasy even after vomiting and went into the bedroom, sitting by the bedside, trying to breathe slowly — with the air coming in through her nose and out through her mouth — She came out of the bathroom and rubbed her eyes, still feeling a bit queasy even after vomiting and went into the bedroom, sitting by the bedside, trying to breathe slowly - with the air coming in through her nose and out through her mouth - while trying to confirm that she could go to work and have a normal, quiet day without that happening again. Probably breakfast did it after she hadn't eaten for many hours. Or not. Shaking her head to avoid thoughts that might make her paranoid, Eireen got up and got dressed quickly, grabbed her bag and her mobile phone that was on the nightstand and left the house going. She drove to work, and parked nearby. She got out of her car and walked to the building and as soon as she entered she greeted the people she usually greeted when she arrived. 

Sehun had already arrived at the company; since he had several projects to finish and deliver in short periods of time, Sehun would leave the company late and arrive early. He had barely slept for the last few weeks but, fortunately, it was the last project he had to deliver. He never had to run out of time with some of the projects, he always did everything on time and without many problems, but something started to bother him. Something he hadn't thought about for months since he had got close to Eireen in a "normal" and "natural" way. The stupid plan to make her fall in love with him. After debating the last few days and wanting to be at peace with himself, Sehun decided that he would tell Eireen about the plan. He looked at the time seeing that Eireen should have arrived by now and left his office, he called and got into the elevator and pressed the 7 button. Leaving on the seventh floor, Sehun got out of the elevator and walked to Eireen's office. He looked at Jiwon, greeting her and pointing to the door, the girl shook her head and Sehun, knocked, and peeked. Eireen was standing with her mobile phone in her hand and repeatedly banged her foot on the ground while biting her nails. She looked back and quickly gave up the call and approached her desk, putting her phone on the table. 

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