Broken Fusion

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Mina and Steven were called to the police station and were basically interrogated and Steven defended himself and Mina that they weren't apart of this whole thing, that they had no idea where Sheldon might have gone or where he might be headed. "For the last time, I don't know" Steven defended "You were last to see Sheldon" The detective stated "That means you may be helping him" He added "I'm not working with Sheldon, why would I?" Steven questioned "You were friends, that gives you a reason" The detective interrogated "Sheldon is a madman, he tried to kill me, he tried to kill my girlfriend, he turned my girlfriend against me. So NO I am NOT friends with him" Steven said one last time. Mina was in the room across the hall being interrogated even worse. "I'M NOT APART OF THIS!" Mina yelled "YOU HAVE A HISTORY WITH GOUGH, THAT GIVES YOU A MOTIVE!" The detective argued "A MOTIVE TO WHAT? HM?" Mina questioned "To make him seem like the bad guy and make you and your petty little boyfriend the victim" The detective stated "THAT'S BECAUSE WE ARE VICTIMS. STEVEN ALMOST DIED A WEEK AGO, I NEARLY DIED WHEN ALL OF THIS STARTED. AND YOU REALLY THINK I WANT THAT TO HAPPEN AGAIN!" Mina yelled "We're done here" Mina finished 

Steven and Mina went home after that because they were just too tired to do anything else. But before Steven could get home he had to run by work and get his paperwork. But when Mina got home, she was petrified. She called Steven immediately and she was panicked and scared:

Over Phone:

Steven & Mina

Steven: Hey baby, I'm just headed home now

Mina: *worried and crying* Babe

Steven: Baby what's wrong?

Mina: The house- It's trashed 

Steven: What do you mean? Like someone broke in?

Mina: Everything is broken! Every picture, the TV is smashed, My computer is gone 

Steven: I'm on my way okay, just stay put

Mina: O-Okay

Steven: I love you baby

Mina: Love you too

Steven: *hangs up*

The house was trashed, there was glass everywhere, things were missing that a regular robber would take. Her computer, pictures were missing, The TV  was demolished, everything was broken. 

15 Minutes Later

*Opens front door* "BABY!" Steven yelled, Steven stepped inside but he didn't take his shoes off due ti the glass. He made his way upstairs and he saw that the bedroom door was closed so he knocked: *Knock, Knock, Knock* "Babe? Baby it's me" Steven said from outside the door but there was no answer "Baby? I'm coming in" Steven said lightly opening the door. When he opened it and he saw Mina sitting on the bed holding a picture of her and Steven and crying, Steven went over and sat next to her "Hey" Steven said lightly putting his hand on her back, Mina leaned over and put her head on his shoulder. Steven held her like he always does and Mina was still holding the broken picture. Steven peered over and saw that it was one from when they were still in college, before everything happened. "We looked so happy then, so free. Little did we know what we would have to go through in a year or so" Steven thought, Mina put the picture down and sat on the bed away from Steven for a second before she broke. "Baby, hey" Steven said hugging her softly and rubbing her back "Why is this happening to us? Why us? Why can't we just be happy?" Mina questioned "I don't know baby. I don't know" 

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