Home is where we belong

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Over Phone:

Mina & Steven

Mina: Then we just need the fruit tray and the red peppers

Steven: Does it matter which?

Mina: Yes I just said RED peppers

Steven: *Chuckle* No, I mean the fruit tray?

Mina: Oh, no. Just make sure there are no blueberries. You know my mom is allergic to those

Steven: Yeah, yeah I'll be careful

Steven: Anything else?

Mina: Nope that's it

Steven: Okay, then I will see you when I get back

Mina: Okay, bye. I love you

Steven: Love you too baby

Mina: *Hangs up*

In the grocery store

"Okay, no blueberries. Check. Red pepper.. Check. What else did we need? Oh! The Salad." Steven thought to himself "Got that. And I think that's everything" Steven finished. He was out buying supplies for a dinner at Sam's house, almost like a goodbye dinner since they were going back home today. Steven checked out and left within five minutes but he got held up because he ran  by the flower shop and grabbed Mina a bouquet of roses. Once Steven picked those up he drove back to Sam's place. "BABE! I'M BACK!" Steven yelled walking in. Mina came downstairs ad found Steven in the kitchen with Sam. "Hi, babe" Mina greeted "Hi, oh! Close your eyes" Steven replied "Okay" Mina said with a giggle "Okay, open" Steven instructed. Mina opened her eyes and saw Steven holding a small bouquet of roses and she loved them. "Oh, Steven. They're beautiful" Mina replied "I saw them in the shop and I had to get them" Steven said.

One hour later..

"And the salad is done" Steven said putting it onn the table and sitting down. Steven, Mina, and Sam just finished making dinner. It took a bit longer than suspected but they did it, Mina worried about the side dishes and helping Sam, where Steven stayed mainly on the main meal. "So, how is everything?" Sam asked "Good, we haven't had too many problems with everything. Just here and there, nothing big" Mina replied "That's good. And what about you two?" Sam asked "What about us?" Mina asked "Has he proposed yet?" Sam joked "MOM!" Mina exclaimed. Steven chuckled a bit before replying "Sam, you ruined it" Steven said "Wait, what?" Mina questioned "I'm joking. So no, I haven't proposed yet" Steven joked. 

After Dinner once Steven and Mina left..

"Finally, back home" Mina sighed, Steven and Mina had just gotten home from their little stay at Sam's place. Mina was dying to get home but it was nice to see her mom again. "Is that everything?" Steven asked walking downstairs "Yeah, I think so. There's just some extra clothes that we weren't able to wash, I'll just do them now" Mina said picking up the bag "I can do it" Steven interrupted "Babe, stop. I'm not a baby, I can do it by myself" Mina fought walking away. Mina finished that laundry but when she did she couldn't find Steven anywhere. She checked all of downstairs and there was no sign of him, so she checked upstairs and she found him sleeping on top of the bed in the guest room rather then in th bed. So she climbed in next to him and was sure not to wake him but she did anyway, once Steven was awake he waited for Mina to fall asleep before he rolled over and cuddled her. 

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