Case Closed

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There was only one thing left to do, attend the sentencing. Steven and Mina had to attend the sentencing because of events that took place, that put them in danger many times. The trial was at 5:30 pm it was 3:00 and Mina was pretty nervous. She'd never been to court, Steven did when was transferred to the family he has now. Mina didn't know what to expect, Steven assured her everything would be fine. All she had to do was answer whatever questioned were asked truthfully, he knew that would be hard for her since she was so damaged by it. But he was going to be right with her the entire time. She knew that as long as he was there she would feel safe, that she could speak without hesitation. 

30 Minutes Before Trial

"Okay, now I'm scared" Mina said "Hey. look at me" Steven said grabbing her hand. Mina looked up at him and he held her hands "You're going to be fine, I'll be right there. The whole time, it's not that bad" Steven reassured "I know, I've just never done anything like this" Mina replied "Come here" Steven said hugging her. "You'll be okay" Steven said softly. Steven broke the hug and looked at his watch and they had to leave, the courthouse was 20 minuted away and they knew there would be traffic. "Let's go" Steven said closing the door. Steven drove to the court house and they were there a few minutes early, so they took their spot and waited for the trial to begin. 

"Mr.Roberts. You have explained to police and to the jury here today, that Mr. Gough has repeatedly harassed and assaulted you. Physically and Mentally, is this true?" The attorney asked "Yes it is." Steven replied "Can you explain more?" The attorney asked "Sheldon harassed us with, text messages, physical contact, stalking and physical contact" Steven explained "Go on" The attorney said "Sheldon caused me and Ms. Robinson to be admitted to the hospital. Thankfully she was only admitted once, I was admitted twice" Steven explained "Both times were due to Mr. Gough?" The attorney asked "Yes" Steven replied "No further questions, Your Honor" The attorney closed. Steven was released and went to sit where he was next to Mina and she was called to the stand. "Ms. Robinson, you have a past with Gough. Was he ever like this before?" The attorney asked "No, he was a very light hearted kind person. He would never hurt anyone, but then things changed" Mina explained "Can you explain more?" The attorney asked "Sheldon never had a temper like he does now. Anytime someone he knew got hurt, he cared for them. Now, he's the reason they are hurt" Mian explained "I see. And you have been with Mr. Roberts the entire time?" The attorney questioned "Yes, we had our ups and downs. But we were there for each other" Mina said "At no point, you saw Gough on your own time?" The attorney asked "No. Not once" Mina stated "Positive?" The attorney asked "Yes." Mina said sternly "No more questions Your Honor" The attorney closed. Mina was pissed, she was being questioned like she was apart of it, why would she be? 

About a half an hour later the sentencing was closed and the results of Sheldon's trial were closed. "Sheldon Gough is pleaded guilty for the following: Assault in the first degree, Harassment, Breaking and Entering, Stalking and many reckless acts." The jury explained. Mina sat there for a second as they removed Sheldon from the court room, they were released from the court house. They did it, they beat him. Everything was finally over, after 2 years of torture. They were free. And for good this time

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