Why can't we just have peace?

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Over Phone:

Mina & Samantha

Sam: So what does that mean?

Mina: I don't know, maybe he just needs more time

Sam: Okay well, make sure that you stay calm and don't push him too far

Mina: Yeah I know

Sam: Okay, I love you

Mina: Love you too mom

Sam: Tell Steven I say hi for me

Mina: I will

Sam: Bye honey

Mina: Bye

Sam: *Hangs up*

Steven had just gotten home from the store when Mina hung up but he wasn't in the living room yet, "Who was that?" He asked "Just my mom, she's just advising that we take this easy" Mina replied "Oh, okay" Steven said turning around and putting the cereal away "She says hi, by the way" Mina added handing him another box "Oh yeah!" Steven replied putting it away "Yeah, but anyway. How bad is it out there?" Mina asked "Not too bad, it's just really hot" Steven replied with a chuckle. Steven and Mina finished putting away the groceries and cleaning up before Steven noticed something off about Mina, "Hey" Steven said softly, stepping in front of her "What's wrong" He asked "Nothing it's just all of this, it seems too easy. And I know that sound so stupid but that's how I feel babe" Mina explained "I know, hey, I know" Steven said hugging her "But it's okay, this feels weird and wrong because of last time when we thought Sheldon was gone and he wasn't but for now we are fine" Steven advised "We're okay baby, I promise" Steven supported "I promise" He repeated lightly

"BABE, YOUR PHONES RINGING" Mina yelled "COMIN" Steven yelled back, he ran downstairs and answered it but who was on the other line scared him

Over Phone:

Steven and Chief William

Steven: Hello?

William: Steven, we have a serious problem!

Steven: What type of problem?

William: We came back to get Sheldon ready for trial and he;s gone

Steven: WHAT? HOW?

William: We don't know yet, just watch your back. All of us are trying to find him 

Steven: Yeah, will do chief 

William: Be careful

Steven: We will

William: *Hangs up*

"Who was that?: Mina asked "That was the chief, and it's not good" Steven replied "What happened?" Mina questioned "They went to get Sheldon ready for trial, and he's gone. He got out last night" Steven explained "What?" Mina gasped "But hey it;s okay" Steven reassured kneeling in front of her "We are going to be fine" Steven reassured more "Just when we have a good day, this has to happen" Mina fought "Hey don't say that" Steven demanded hugging her "Don't. Say. That"

To be Continued...

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