We need to know.. but you won't tell us

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Two Weeks Later

Mina and Steven hadn't heard any news on what was happening to Sheldon, if he was being charged, his court date. Nothing, it was like nothing ever happened. For the past week Mina was terrified to even step out of the house without Steven. Since what happened last time she went out alone, she doesn't feel safe anymore. Steven took a break from work to stay with Mina, he was worried about her but he knew that he would have to go back to work eventually. "Nothing has been heard and it's worrying, Me and Steven still have no idea what's going on and what the progress is. We have been waiting for weeks to see something on the news or get a phone call, but there was nothing. When we would call the police but  they never told us anything. Honestly they acted like nothing happened, it's annoying to know that they don't think it's that serious. Our lives were in danger and they act like nothing happened, how sickening" Mina wrote in her book. Mina started writing down everything that would happen to make sure that she didn't hold it in anymore. She found it almost therapeutic, to let all her emotions out in a book that no one would have to read. She found it easier to cope with her feelings that way and not fight them, that also made it so she wouldn't have to talk about her emotions. She doesn't really enjoy having to talk about them, since she finds herself uncomfortable doing so. 

"How are you feeling today?" Steven asked "I feel okay, I wrote a bit in my journal and it relaxed me a bit" Mina replied "Good, have you talked to your mom lately?" He asked "I called her last night, she's good. She's just a bit worried about that stress and all" Mina explained "Yeah, I'm right with her on that. I don't want you to get over worked by any of this. That's why I suggested the book" Steven replied "Yeah, I know" Mina said. Steven and Mina were in the backyard sitting on the deck, just to clear their heads. "We just have to take it day by day, and see how it goes" Steven advised "Yeah, like we always do" Mina replied. Steven and Mina had been pretty happy lately, they haven't had any big things happen. They felt like a weight had been lifted, but not fully. Not until they find out what will happen to Sheldon, but they have their concerns about it. They worry about what their answer will be and how it will sit with them, they don't know what to expect since they haven't heard anything. It was nice for once, having a few weeks to settle down and relax. Steven would help Mina vent if she had nothing to write in her book and she appreciated it, she liked it a lot. Steven wanted to do everything he could to keep Mina safe and to keep her stress free, for now at least. "We should head back inside, it's kinda late and it's cold" Mina advised "Yeah, let's go" Steven said getting up. Steven helped Mina up and walked back inside with her. Steven cuddled Mina on the couch and they watched some TV before going upstairs to bed. 

Mina and Steven got ready for bed and they were exhausted, Steven had woken up early because he got a call from work and Mina woke up with him. They were up at 6:30, and they just never went back to sleep. "Babe" Mina said softly laying on Steven's chest "What?" He replied "Do you think this is over?" Mina asked "I don't know baby" He replied "Don't worry about it right now, just get some sleep" Steven said rubbing her back "Okay" Mina sighed. Steven kissed Mina head as she fell asleep and he fell asleep soon after. Steven hoped that things would be better for them, he couldn't risk Mina getting hurt anymore. He knew that the chances of something happening were high but he hoped for the best. Steven knew that no matter what he would protect Mina at all costs, not matter what would happen to him in the process.

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