Part 16

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A few days passed by, I still felt a little nervous about the talk I had with Richard, yet I felt relieved that I told him everything. I was happy he understood me so well, but I was a little scared of what he might be planning inside his little mastermind. I still didn't want Dean to know anything about us, either way it would have huge influence on their relationship and the way they play their roles as Thorin and Fili or Dean would take it a step further and make me leave the movie set and go home if that was even possibly since I was an adult, still I didn't dare to underestimate him. As time passed by I dared to relax a little more, after a few weeks Richard still didn't seem to have talked to Dean about us, and so I believed he listened to me and just decided to leave everything the way it was. The holiday season would soon be upon us, we had been shooting for a couple of months and everyone started to look forward to going back home for a while during the holidays.

The only person who didn't seem too happy about the Holiday season was Richard. We just got our first argument when Richard asked me to come to London with him during the holidays which I refused because then Dean would definitely find out about us. Richard even promised he'd tell Dean he was going to be my tour guide around London but then I was scared Dean would just come along and I didn't want that at all. 'It's Christmas, you're supposed to be spending that with the people you love most' Richard defended himself as he paced around my living room. 'Yes exactly and it's not that I don't want to spend it with you but Dean isn't stupid, I can't risk it! I love you, you're the best thing that ever happened to me, I can't afford to lose you!' I spoke. Richard sighed and ran his hand through his hair 'So that's it? Dean won't like us being together? Dean won't want you to come to London with me? So you're just going home with Dean, lock yourself up in your room again and live your life the way Dean wants you too? Is that how you want to live the rest of your life Hera?' Richard now spoke in an angry voice.

I had to admit I wasn't used to him talking to me like that, but I couldn't deny that I understood him. He was right, I had no idea how much longer I had to live, why would I let Dean live my life for me? Richard came sitting next to me as I didn't answer for a few minutes, 'Hera? You ok? I didn't mean to get mad at you.'

I smiled and grabbed his hand. 'I'm okay, I know you don't mean to get mad at me, but you're right!' I said which made Richard look hopefully into my eyes 'I'll come to London with you' I spoke. I didn't have to say the words twice, as soon as I spoke them Richard jumped up and pulled me into his arms 'You won't regret it, just bring all your winter clothes because you're in for your first snowy Christmas!' he smiled and I couldn't help but smile as well. I couldn't describe how much I loved this man. He made me feel alive, helped me to make my dreams come true and he didn't ask anything in return but my love. 'Goodbye Christmas under the palm trees on the beach, hello snowy London!' I laughed before kissing Richard once more. 'First we'll have to finish a few more scenes though, but hey the countdown begins!' Richard said before taking my hand and leading me to the bedroom. 'Richard?' I asked as we were laying in each other's arms in my bed. 'Hera?' he answered. 'Can I get to meet your parents?' Richard stayed still for a while 'Would you want to meet them?' he asked in surprise 'Of course, I mean it's going to be Christmas, I bet your parents would love to see you that day so maybe we could see them together?' I suggested which made Richard kiss my forehead 'You are truly the greatest, I'll let them know we'll meet them at their place' Richard said giving me a few more kisses where after I swiftly fell asleep.

Another few weeks passed by too quickly. Dean kept a close eye on Richard and I but since we never truly showed our affection to one another in public he could not question our behaviour. The end of the year was getting very close now with only a few more days of shooting on the planning. Everyone now desperately needed a holiday break. A lot of the actors missed their family, their home and we were all in need of some well-deserved rest. Richard was clearly going over his own limits every day. His body was broken by the end of the day, yet he would not skip a training class or ask help doing his own stunts.

One night I walked over to his trailer with some dinner since he had been skipping a few meals lately. Once I entered the trailer everything was dark. 'Richard?' I asked worried. I didn't immediately get an answer witch made me go to his room where I found him lying in bed shaking. 'Richard, hey, wake up!' I spoke quickly kneeling down and cupping his face. 'My love please wake up?' I begged him. He started whimpering, whispered my name weakly before slowly opening his eyes. 'Hera?' He spoke again in surprise to see me. 'I'm here my love, I'm with you.' I softly spoke rubbing his hair away from his sweaty forehead. 'What's wrong Richard? You're burning up!' I asked him in a worried expression. 'I'm okay, just a bit feverish.' Richard spoke which made me grab the blanket and cover him with it since he was still shaking.

'You're not okay Richard, you're ill. You're tired, haven't eaten enough lately, this isn't okay.' I said. Richard coughed weakly and tried to sit up straight. I laid my hand on his bare chest and stopped him. 'Stay down, I'm getting you soup, some medicine and loads of water' I spoke. 'Hera, I'll be fine, you shouldn't worry about me.' He tried but started coughing again. 'I'm serious, stay down, I'll be right back!' I spoke. Richard tried to grab my hand but failed which made me feel bad a little. I carefully laid my hand on his forehead and kissed it softly causing him to moan. 'Hera, I don't want you to get sick, please just go.' He whispered.

I laid my hand on his cheek and shook my head. 'That's not how it works my king, we're in this together, through the good and the bad. I'll be back.' I promised where after I left the trailer and went to get some soup to go with his sandwiches. When I came back I carefully put the soup on the night stand and went in to his bathroom filling the sink with cold water and taking a washcloth. I came back into the room seeing Richard fell asleep again. He seemed to be having a nightmare as he was turning his head wildly and his eyes flushed open panicked all of a sudden where after he called out my name in fear.

'I'm here love, you're okay!' I spoke quickly sitting down next to him and dipping the cold washcloth over his forehead and his temples. 'Were you having a bad dream?' I asked him. He nodded, fear still showing in his eyes. 'I had a nightmare about us going to London, but the day of our departure you fell sick and Dean was getting mad at me, he took you back home and refused to let us see each other again, locking you up in your room. He even sent the police after me..' Richard spoke while his heart was still racing in his chest. 'Richard, you're having a bad fever. It is normal to be having nightmares, your head is playing games with you and taking advantage of your weaknesses. You need some medication and some rest and you'll be fine! We will both be fine!' I promised handing him his medication and the soup. He luckily didn't argue and carefully drank his soup while I took a fresh cloth before sitting down next to him on the bed. 'You're too good for me.' Richard suddenly sighed while he was clearly fighting to stay awake. 'Go to sleep my love, I'll be with you till morning comes.' I spoke. 'I don't want to go to sleep, I want to be with you, I should be taking care of you.' He sighed.

'My king, I must advise you to sleep, the longer you fight your body the weaker you will get.' I said trying to sound as a formal advisor which made Richard smile. 'Besides you are with me and you always take care of me, now stop complaining and do as I say.' I smiled kissing his forehead one more time before he laid down and I softly started singing. 'Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound'.' I sang while Richard slowly gave in and closed his eyes. I stayed awake and refreshed the cloth now and then and helped him stay warm when he was shivering. I never knew what it was like taking care of someone and I had no idea was I was doing. I did vaguely remember Dean taking care of me as a kid, but that was in a different way. I tried to remember what my mom used to do when my brothers or I were feverish, even though that too seemed hard to remember. I could only hope I was doing a bit of a good job. When Richard woke up the next morning I was still up and watching over him. He luckily felt a bit better which was good even though I felt like I could fall asleep where I stood, at least I didn't give up my sleep for nothing. Richard's fever had clearly gone down. After staying in bed another day where both Richard and I slept a little more we were both getting better. Also thanks to Graham and Jed checking up on us and getting us some warm food and making sure Peter knew we could not film any scenes that day.

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