Part 21

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After 3 days of discovering London together it was time to go to Leicester where Richard's parents lived. I hadn't been nervous till I stepped in the car. 'You sure I look presentable enough?' I asked which made Richard laugh 'Hera relax, even if you wore your PJ you'd be presentable, these people will be happy as long as I am happy and you make me happy so everything's fine' He said yet I didn't believe it.

Everyone thinks they're parents would be happy as long as they are, it's bullshit though. I am quite sure that just like Dean my parents wouldn't have been so enthusiastic seeing me with an older man. But then again they were long gone so I didn't have to worry about that, I just hoped Richard's parents would understand.

I tried to hide my scar with some make up and dressed up in a long black dress with heels to make me at least look like a real adult and not some kind of teenager. Once we arrived in Leicester Richard's mom soon opened the door immediately hugging her son 'It's been so long, how are you doing?' she asked which made Richard laugh his adorable kind of laugh before telling her he was fine and introducing me. 'Mother this is Hera, Hera this is my mother Margaret' Richard said where after she immediately looked at me and gave me a swift hug for a moment I had no idea what to do so I smiled a bit and told her how nice it was to meet her. After this she took us in where I met Richard's father John. His father gave me firm handshake and immediately offered me a whiskey, which made me laugh until I realised he meant it 'Oh I don't drink much alcohol sir, perhaps some wine over dinner but that's enough for me' I explained myself which made John shrug 'Oh well more for me then' he spoke where after Richard went into the kitchen helping his mom bring out some drinks and appetizers.

'So where are you from Hera?' His father soon asked 'Auckland New Zealand sir' I answered 'Please stop calling me sir I like to think I'm not that old' He then laughed which made me smile 'My apologies, you definitely don't look your age yet John' I then said which made him smile too 'That's the right answer Hera' he spoke where after Richard came in shaking his head 'Don't frighten the girl dad?' he begged which made his father shake his head too 'I wasn't, I was just showing interest in her life' he said.

Deep down I felt my heartbeat dangerously fast but I tried to keep smiling and not show how nervous I was. 'What is it you do for a living Hera?' John then asked while Margaret also come in. 'Well I started working with Peter Jackson pretty recently, just helping him build sets, film a blog of our life at the studios and so on, but before that I didn't really have job. I live with my brothers and I'm still kind of trying to find out with it is I want to accomplish in life' I tried to explain myself without sounding useless and stupid. It seemed to work so far. 'Well if I can give you any advice, stay behind the camera's, you can't imagine the shit coming over you once you're in front of the camera's. It didn't just cost Richard his life, it also costs us a part of ours' he said which made Richard sigh 'Oh c'mon dad, it's not that bad okay. Besides I don't think Hera is interested in becoming an actress' Richard explained which made his dad sigh too. 'If it hadn't been for your busy life and all these paparazzi's you could have been married by now, have a family and we'd see you more often' he said where after Margaret shushed him. 'Well, well he is happy with the life he's living, that's not up to us to decide. Besides look at this beautiful young lady, I'm sure they'll get a nice family of their own soon enough, it's already a big deal that he brings you along to our Christmas dinner, normally Richard is always so shy and likes to keep his relationship a bit private. So we are so happy to meet you!' Margaret said which made me bite my lip and force a smile.

'Well I feel flattered, I am very happy to meet you too, I had no idea Richard could be so shy' I laughed poking Richard trying to hide the fact that I was freaking out on the inside. These people were longing for a family, grandchildren and here I was. A sick little girl, I would never be able to give them what they want. 'No pressure here' Richard now said carefully taking my hand where after his mom gave him a comforting smile 'Of course not, but you shouldn't wait too long, you're not getting any younger love' She said which made Richard shake his head 'No obviously not mom' he answered getting another drink. After this they luckily let go of the subject where after Richard talked a bit more of the life in New Zealand and his parents told him a bit more about their lives.

Astrophilia ~ The Hobbit CastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora