Part 22

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After four days we had to move on. We drove to Inverness where we visited Loch Ness and some castles. After this we drove to Glasgow where we stayed in a fancy hotel one more night before going back to Leicester surprising Richard's parents by visiting them once more before going back to London and packing our bags for the trip to New Zealand. I was staring out of the window on our last evening back in London, holding a glass of wine and listening to some music while thinking of all the beautiful moments I got to spent here. I could barely believe that this was all real, it just felt impossible for a sick little girl from Auckland to meet a man like Richard, fall in love and then have the best time discovering the world that she almost gave up on. While I was standing there daydreaming I didn't hear Richard sneak up behind me till he wrapped his arms around my middle and kissed my neck. 'You ok?' he whispered in my ear with his deep husky voice I loved so much. 'Of course my king, just thinking of all the beautiful moments I've been having thanks to you' I told him which made him smile 'Well it's only a start love, there's so much more to come' He spoke caressing my skin which gave me goosebumps. 'I love you Hera, I know it seems wrong to the world, but I love you, I'm not leaving you, not ever' He said which made me put my glass down so I could wrap my hand in his hair and pull him closer while kissing him.

I could still remember how careful he had been holding me our first night in the apartment. How he touched me as if I could break any moment. If anything changed between us it would have been that we got wilder in every possible way. We were wildly in love not only did we no longer hide ourself in front of others, we didn't care about what others thought of us seeing us kissing in public. Soon we found ourselves undressed again where after Richard put me on the counter in the kitchen where we made love to each other again.

Every time I felt my heart beating way too fast but I refused to take it slow. Just as Richard lifted me of the counter and carried me to the seat where we continued I felt a stabbing pain spread in my chest. First I tried to ignore it but when I had to gasp for air Richard quickly took a step back grabbing my hand 'Hera are you okay?' he asked but I couldn't answer which made Richard panic 'Hera, Hera breathe!' he said quickly taking me in his arms and laying me on the floor lifting my arms so I would be able to breathe more easily. It did work partly since I could start breathing again but my chest was still burning. 'Hera please talk to me, what do I do?' Richard begged me where after I took a deep breath. 'I don't know, please stay with me' I told him where after he laid down next to me and laid his head om my chest. 'Just breathe, just breathe' he told me while trying to stay calm himself. 'I'm just really hurt, I don't know what's wrong' I stammered feeling light in my head. 'Hera I have to get you to a hospital. This isn't good' he said where after I shook my head. 'Please no, no hospital!' I cried out but Richard already grabbed clothes and got dressed where after he helped me put on my underwear and dress. 'Hera I'll be with you, but you're going pale, your heart is completely freaking out, and it's scaring me. I'll be with you, I promise!' Richard promised while calling an ambulance. As he held me in his arms all I could think of was to keep breathing.

In the hospital the nurses were all going so fast and they tried to make Richard wait in the waiting room so they could examine me. 'No Rich!' I stammered refusing to let go of his hand. 'I'm not leaving her' He spoke where after the nurses agreed and took both of us into a separate room where Richard explained what happened.

While telling them about us having sex and me suddenly getting trouble breathing and having a burning pain in my chest he started blushing and if I hadn't been hurt and struggling to breathe I would have probably laughed at him. Now I just tried to focus on breathing.

'We'll have to do some tests' the nurses said where after one of them went to get a doctor. They all had to act quickly; checking my pulse, giving me an oxygen mask which immediately helped me breath more slowly. All this time Richard held my hand and told me it was going to be alright. After doing several tests and monitoring my heart the nurses left the room leaving me and Richard with the doctor. 'Okay, how are you feeling Hera?' the doctor asked where after I wanted to remove my oxygen mask but Doctor Healey stopped me 'You have to keep this on for now' he spoke. I sighed 'I'm okay, still kind of hurt but it's bearable' I explained. Healey nodded 'Okay, Hera you had a minor heart attack, you're heart went in overdrive and stopped for a few seconds. You were lucky it recovered itself. We would like to keep you here for observation though, just to make sure everything's okay' He spoke. I started to panic from the moment I heard observation 'No doctor, I have to get back to New Zealand tomorrow, I can't stay here!' I spoke but the doctor shook his head. 'Hera you are not in a condition to fly now, you have to stay the night, tomorrow we'll see how you're doing but I'd say you have to rest for at least week' He told me giving a strict look at Richard. Who seemed to shocked to move or say anything. I felt tears burning in my eyes but I swallowed them. 'I have to get back' I sighed but the doctor already filled in the form. 'The nurse will take you to your room and I'll see you in the morning' He spoke where after a nurse moved my bed towards another room while Richard followed me on automatic pilot. In the room he kept staring out of the window facing away from me. 'Richard?' I muttered a little scared. 'Rich I am sorry!' I spoke when he didn't answer where after he suddenly turned around and I saw tears in his eyes. 'You're sorry? Hera I almost killed you! I wasn't thinking about how you were feeling or about your condition at all!' Richard growled which made me scared. 'Rich, this isn't your fault' I told him but he shook his head not wanting to believe me. 'Richard, come here please?' I asked him where after I took a deep breath and sat down next to me on the bed. 'Please don't blame yourself for this, I should have told you to take it a bit easier as I wasn't feeling too well but I also enjoyed every moment with you too much so I'm sorry' I said. I just really didn't want to see him cry, not like this, not because of me.

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