Part 35

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Soon September came and we were officially shooting the last scenes. I was in the studios while Peter shot the last scenes with the fight of Azog and Thorin. Manu and Richard both trained for so long for this duel and both were such great actors they made us all sit on the tip of our chairs while watching. We all knew how the fight would end but still we all bit our teeth as Manu made Richard fall down on the ice and almost pierced him. Richard was holding off the sword with this determined look in his eyes until at a certain point he seemed to realise there was no way out of it so he could either die there alone or take Azog with him saving the rest of the dwarves from his wrath. At that point he pulled his sword back and got pierced where after he used his last powers to pierce Azog as well and change their positions until Thorin was back on top and Azog's smirk left his face and his eyes went hollow. Of course it was all just for show and the swords weren't really piercing them but I had tears in my eyes by watching this scene. 'And cut!' Peter said where after Richard and Manu kept standing there for a moment until Richard helped Manu up. 'Damn man that was it!' Manu said where after Richard could only nod getting emotional. 'Great work guys! You even made us sit on the top of our chairs!' Peter said petting Richard and Manu on the back where after they hugged him. 'Thank you for this opportunity, this really had been the adventure of my life!' Richard assured him where after he looked over at me and winked before pulling me in his arms.

After talking a bit longer we could go back to our trailers where we could be packing the last of our things since we would leave to Ireland in a couple of days.

At the beginning of this year I was afraid I wouldn't make the end of the year. By now I knew every day was another gift I just had to enjoy. Dean wasn't a big fan of us going to Ireland since he also noticed I needed to rest a lot and didn't have the same energy I had in the beginning of filming these movies. Luckily Aidan came up with the brilliant idea of just asking Dean to join us. It would be like the family of Durin going on a road trip together. At first Richard and I laughed a bit, but since it was a pretty great idea we just went along with is and so soon we would all travel to Ireland together and have a mini road trip there before Richard and I would go back to his home and Dean would come back to New Zealand.

In the evening Richard and I went to the beach and had drinks at the bar where we had our very first conversation. Sitting there I couldn't help but think of how my life had been through some huge changes in the past two years and how crazy it was opening up to these changing times. As I looked at Richard I saw his bright blue eyes look straight into mine and I knew he could already read my thought in that moment.

'Well look at that, our quiet little party poopers still enjoying the silence together' I suddenly heard a well-known voice say. Graham, Lee, Manu, Aidan, Jed and Dean now showed up at the bar as well. 'Oh no, could you guys maybe go sit a bit further?' Richard quickly spoke which they of course didn't care about anyway. 'Congratulations on your final scenes, king under the mountain' Lee said sitting down next to Richard. 'I heard it was very heroic, saving us from Azog the defiler, ugh filthy creature' Graham said. Where after Manu pat him on the shoulder 'Take it easy man, I'm right here!' He said making everyone laugh. I just sat there and enjoyed this moment. Thought back of all the beautiful moments I had with each and every one of these actors, the cast and crew in general. The lessons in elvish speaking, the sword fighting and shooting with bow and arrow, getting closer to Richard, having these campfires together, ping pong with Mark, Martin and Jed in between the shooting and the many other great moments.

I couldn't believe it all came to an end. For a moment I had to fight back the tears, for how would I go on with life. What would I do all day now that all I lived for, the one thing that gave my life purpose had ended. Richard must have seen the worried look on my face and grabbed my hands in his 'You ok?' he asked. I sighed 'I was just thinking about how it all really came to an end, I saw it coming for a while, you know shooting on location, doing some scenes over and over, but I never really thought about how it would one day all end. I feel like Frodo now being lost at Bag End and not knowing where life will take me next after surviving such a wonderful adventure with such amazing people!' I said where after I looked thankfully ad Dean because if it hadn't been for him I wouldn't even be here.

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