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A few weeks had passed and Miranda wasn't adjusting to having a newborn as quickly as she thought she would. Her mother was a great help and she was grateful her parents came to stay with her.

She got dressed and then she got Tuck dressed. She carefully placed him in his car seat and got in her car. She drove to the location of the therapy group. She nervously walked in and sat down. This was a session for single parents whose partner died. She looked around at all the people and their children. Their kids were slightly older and that was oddly comforting. She hoped they had pointers to give her.

"Alright Everyone let's get started" A woman smiled "I'm Lauren and I'll be leading the group"
Everyone went around and introduced themselves and their baby. Just as they were about to move on a man came stumbling in struggling with a car seat and a diaper bag.

"I'm sorry" He smiled bumping into spare chairs as he made his way over to them

"Come on in" Lauren smiled at him "we were just introducing ourselves and our kids"

"I'm Ben.. Benjamin" He sat in the empty chair next to Miranda. "And this" He took the baby out of the carseat "Little bundle of joy is Delilah Grace. But I call her Danny"

"How do you get Danny from Delilah Grace" Another mother in the room asked

"You don't" Ben chuckled "but it's what I wanted to name her. But her mother wanted Delilah Grace. So I named her Delilah Grace. But I call her Danny"

"When my wife died in childbirth I didn't know what to name our baby boy" A man sitting across from Ben nodded "we didn't have a name picked"

"What did you pick" Miranda asked

"I named him after her father. He was her favorite person so it only seemed right" He smiled

"That's a good call" She nodded "I named my son after my father"

"I was going to but when my husband died while I was pregnant I changed my mind and named the baby after him" A woman sighed

"I am utterly lost" Ben sighed "I have this daughter who needs me and I don't have a clue what I'm doing and it makes me feel useless. I'm a doctor but I didn't know my infant daughter could have bleeding due a surge of her mother's hormones in her body"

"Doctor or not that would be a terrifying event for a new parent" Lauren gave him a sympathetic look.

"Right" He nodded

"You're a doctor" A woman asked

"Yes" He nodded "right now I'm on leave but I plan on returning to the hospital where I work"

"Was her mother a doctor or a patient" The woman asked

"Insurance consultant" He sighed "She needed my signature on a form and I asked for her number" He chuckled "The rest is history"

"How long were you married for" Miranda asked sensing how Ben talked about his daughter's mother it was clear he was deeply in love with her.

"Married,no. Committed relationship, yes. 3 years"

"Why didn't you marry her" Another woman asked

"Because I waited too long. I bought her a ring and planned to do it after the baby was born. I wish I did it sooner" He sighed looking at his daughter "So she would have known how much I loved her"

"She knew" another woman spoke up "Marriage doesn't always show how much you love someone. I wasn't married either but in a committed relationship. I knew he loved me. Some people just get married to get married" She shrugged "and some get married for love"

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