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"He punched someone named Harrison" O'Malley walked up holding Tuck.

"You punched a child" She looked a Tuck in disbelief

"Apparently there was a graham cracker involved" George shrugged

" Over a graham cracker"

"They said they want you to talk to him." He handed her Tuck

" Well, he's 14 months old. What do they think I'm gonna do, give him a lecture on nonviolent conflict resolution?" She sarcastically asked adjusting Tuck in her arms

"I really don't know" He handed her Tuck's things. He was trying to be a surgeon but he felt more like Richard's personal assistant and now a babysitter.

"My son punches other children. Perfect." She walked off with Tuck.

"Dr.Warren" The daycare teacher at Mercy West smiled when he walked in

"You paged," He asked

"Delilah" She pointed " Has been hair pulling"

"Hers or...:" Ben trailed off

"Other kids" The daycare lady sighed

"Oh man" Ben shook his head

"Maybe discuss with her that's not okay"

"Lady, she's 14 months old. I'm not sure how much she'll grasp a conversation on why it's not okay to pull her"

"Dr.Warren, it is not hard to teach your kid nice hands"

"Don't tell me what's not hard" Ben got defensive "I'm a single father working at a hospital trying to raise a little girl on my own" Ben picked up his daughter " It's not hard to blah blah" He mumbled as he walked out.

"I know who will set you right" He left the hospital to go to Seattle Grace. He put Delilah in her stroller and walked into the hospital

"Excuse me, nurse, do you know where Miranda Bailey is" He asked

"Dr.Bailey has a patient. Dr.Webber doesn't want her to be bothered"

"I'm not a bother" He smiled. Just then George walked by.

"O'Malley" Ben smiled " Do you know where Miranda is? I know you do"

"Tuck got kicked out of daycare. She's somewhere talking to him. I guess but I'm the Chief's intern and we have a VIP patient and he put Bailey on it so we are very busy"

"Slow down. The Chief's intern? That is totally not a thing" Ben chuckled

"Can I help you, Dr.Warren?" George asked

"Yeah, I need to talk to Miranda. Chief's intern, mind telling me where I can find her"

"Try the lounge or maybe an on-call room. I don't really know" He walked away

"That guy needs to relax" Ben walked away. He walked around the hospital until he found her a few minutes later.

"Ben what are you doing here" She asked him

"Seems like we both have juvenile delinquents on our hands" He chuckled "I have a hair puller"

"Who told you"

"George. What'd Tuck do"

"Punched a kid"

"Woah easy Muhammad Ali" Ben looked at him

"Ben this is not funny. They won't let him back until he gets his fists of fury under control"

"You can make a Bruce Lee reference but I can't mention the greatest." He laughed "But listen just offer them something and they'll let him back in"

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