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"Bar night" Mark laughed as they all made their way to the bar. Derek landed the grant he needed for his clinical trial and all the attendings decided to take him out to Joe's Bar to celebrate.

"We deserve this" Callie nodded

"Damn straight we do" Ben agreed
They all arrived at the bar and sat down together. As they gathered and Mark excitedly greeted Derek their guest of honor they all noticed Yang was pouring drinks at the bar. It was discovered that Owen told her to get a job to get her off the couch.
She walked over with a tray of drinks for everyone.

"All right! I call this the early onset Alzheimer's because you won't remember anything after you drink it." She smiled

"That is wrong on so many levels" Ben looked at the drink

"Well we're apparently about to be so drunk it won't matter" Callie laughed

They toasted to Derek and drank" To Shepherd and his genius brain crap. To Shepherd."

"Thank you. Oh, my God." Derek remarked after tasting the drink "This is strong."

"Yeah, I'm gonna need a scotch." Mark shook his head

"Yeah, make it two" Derek added

"This is awful" Ben sat his drink down "Just get me a beer"

"Babies" Miranda snickered

"We'll see how well you hold your liquor" Ben looked at her

" I'm with Warren. Early onset Alzheimer's ... you don't think that's a little distasteful?" Owen asked

"I think it's delicious" Miranda took another drink.
They sat at the bar drinking and talking for a while when Teddy walked in to join them fresh off a horrible date.

"I need a drink" She sat down and picked up the glass

"Ooh, careful." Callie tried to warn her but she knocked back the drink anywah.

" That was mine. Now you have to order me another one." Miranda pointed

"It definitely wasn't yours" Ben laughed and sipped his beer "But tell us about the date Altman"

"Oh, God. That drink was disgusting. Right. Okay, so get this ... his very first question ... "so what's your favorite food? "

"What'd you say?" Callie asked

"French, but that's not the point. Why would he ask me what my favorite food was? Like he read that that's some good icebreaker from some internet handbook that was handed out at the loser fair?" She sighed

"This is why you don't meet people on the internet" Derek remarked

"You're married. You don't get to have an opinion about my pathetic forays into internet dating." She looked at him

"You do need a drink" Callie said seeing Teddy's pain

"Thank you. Go to Africa"

"What?" Callie asked

"This should be good" Ben chuckled

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