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As they busied themselves with preparations for their housewarming party, Miranda couldn't help but notice a subtle weakness in her arm as she attempted to pour lemonade into a pitcher. She had been doing so well in physical therapy but lately, she had been noticing sudden spells of weakness. Frustration crept into her voice as she struggled with the simple task, her movements clumsy and uncertain. "Ugh, why is this so difficult?" She mumbled

Ben, ever attentive to Miranda's needs, stepped forward with a gentle offer to help, his voice laced with concern.
"Here, let me do that for you, Miranda. You don't have to push yourself."

But Miranda's frustration only seemed to escalate at the suggestion, her pride wounded by her inability to perform the task on her own.
"No, I can do it. I don't need your help."Her words came out sharper than intended, a reflection of her growing frustration and fear over the changes she was experiencing.

Ben's brow furrowed with concern as he watched Miranda struggle. He knew this had been happening lately but he rarely brought it up to her because whenever he did he was met with the same response. She gets frustrated and lashes out. He knows she yells when she is scared and he can sense that is what is happening here. She is scared. But of what he hadn't quite figured.

"Miranda, it's okay to ask for help. We're a team, remember?"

But Miranda's pride refused to relent, her frustration mounting with each passing moment. "I know, but... I just want to do this myself."

Ben found himself at a loss for words, his heart heavy with concern for Miranda's well-being. Despite his desire to help, he knew that Miranda needed to come to terms with her limitations in her own time. Arguing with her never does any good. And so, with a heavy sigh, he stepped back, giving her the space she needed to navigate her feelings on her own. As they continued their preparations for the party, Ben couldn't shake the nagging worry that lingered in the back of his mind, a silent reminder of the challenges they would face together in the days to come.

Unwilling to give up she continued to try to fill the glasses. Miranda's frustration reached its peak, her hand suddenly gave out, causing the pitcher of lemonade to slip from her grasp and crash to the floor, spilling its contents across the kitchen tiles. The sound of shattering glass echoed through the room.

Ben rushed to her side, concern etched on his face as he assessed the situation.

"Hey, are you okay?"

But Miranda's frustration boiled over, her emotions spilling out in a rush of tears and anger. "No, I'm not okay. I can't even pour a stupid drink without messing everything up"

Ben's heart ached at Miranda's distress, his own frustration giving way to empathy and concern for his love. "Miranda, it's okay. Accidents happen. Let me help you clean this up."

But Miranda's pride refused to let her accept Ben's offer, her frustration clouding her judgment. "No, I'll do it myself."

With a heavy heart, Ben watched as Miranda stooped to clean up the mess, her shoulders slumped with defeat. Seeing Miranda's distress, Ben felt a surge of concern and compassion welling within him. He reached out to gently touch her arm, his voice filled with empathy.

"Miranda, maybe we should postpone the party. Your well-being is more important than anything else right now."

But Miranda wiped away her tears and took a few deep breaths to calm her frustration. "No, Ben, we've planned this for weeks. I don't want to let everyone down."
Ben sighed, understanding Miranda's desire to carry on despite the difficulties she faced. He knew that pushing herself wasn't the answer, but he also respected her strength and resilience.

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