Chapter 41

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"Oh, uh,  I don't think that'll be necessary-"

"Actually, I think we can do something." She said and looked at Shawn again.

"Sierra, no. This isn't right. As much as we don't like Lauren, this is wrong." I was starting to feel guilty and we hadn't even done anything yet.

"Nicole, c'mon. Live a little! It won't be the worst thing ever. We're just messing with them a little. And not to mention it'll be really funny." I sighed.

"For the record, I had nothing to do with this and I will not be apart of this. I'm going to look away for a second and say I saw nothing." And I made a huge unrealistic wink at her. She smiled.

"Yay!" And she clapped.

"Okay, so here's what gonna happen..."

Oh boy.

Shawn's Point of View

"Could I get the Angel Hair Alfredo with Shrimp please?" I told the waiter.

"For sure. And you ma'am?" He directed his attention to Lauren.

"Could I get the lasagna please?" and we both handed him our menu's.

"Sure thing, I will be right over with your food."

"Thank you." I said and he left. I took a sip from my water.

"We're gonna have a big breakfasts huh?" It's not that big. She said and laughed.

"I guess so. The Angel Hair sounded so good." I leaned back in my chair.

"So how was your trip?" she asked as she sipped on her water.

"It was awesome. The fans were amazing and it was really nice seeing the guys again." Then she got quiet.

"Can I ask you a question?" Please no.

"You just did." I smiled and laughed, but she didn't look amused. I knew she wasn't playing around now. "Uh, of course you can. What is it?" My hands grew clammy. She hesitated.

"Do Nicole and Sierra not like me?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't know. I just felt like I wasn't really wanted there." And she looked down at her hands on her lap.

"Why? Were they doing something? Because I didn't really see anything." I sat up and pushed my chair in a little closer.

"I mean, kinda. But they were really small. Maybe I'm overthinking things but I don't know. They were just laughing under their breath. And they made me feel dumb. Maybe it was nothing because I don't how she is with Sierra but I felt weird." She was fidgeting with the napkin on her lap now.

"I'm pretty sure they wouldn't do any of that intentionally. I'm sure you were just nervous or something. I know they don't hate you, so don't worry okay?" I gestured for her hand and she gave it to me. I held it and gave her a reassuring smile. Her smile grew and she nodded.


"Anyways, did I miss anything here? Like what's going-"

"Excuse me?" I looked to my right and three old men had caught my attention. They were walking up to the table. Behind the little fence thing.

"Are you two having fun? I'm sorry to intrude but when I saw you two, it reminded me of a girlfriend I had back in the day." One man said.

"That's what I was going to point out too!" The other man behind him responds. "She looks exactly like Lucille!" He snapped his fingers as a confirmation.

Fake Dating My Bestfriend Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now