Chapter 2

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Ugh, 1st period has been such a drag! All the teacher did was lecture!

I mean, give us a break! This is the first day! I had my bag on my desk and started to text Shawn. I mean, might as well. There's nothing else better to do, other than filling my ears with my beautiful One Direction music.

N: Are you having as much fun as I am 😑

S: Probably not, I'm about to die 😀

N: What do u have again?

S: Geometry 😭

N: I would have been dead by now bro

S: well the only good thing is that Richard is in my class 😏


S: yuppp

S: u know I could talk to him for you 😬

N: NO! I'm perfectly capable of doing it on my own... 😑

S: OH PLEASE! you wouldn't go up to him even for a million dollars

N: yes i would


N: ur an ass

S: i try 😎👌

I was going to reply when I was interrupted.

"Nicole. Do you have your phone out?" I looked up from my phone and the teacher raised his eyebrows at me.

Fuck. Caught red-handed.

"Um, maybe.." I blushed as everyone stared. I absolutely hated being put on the spot.

"I hope you have a good explanation of why you're using it."

"Uh, not really.." I said. I could already feel my face getting even hotter. If that was even possible. I started sweating.

"And what were you doing?"

"That doesn't matter. Go back to your lesson Mr. B." He came over to my seat and put his hand out indicating he wanted my phone. I timidly gave him my shitty phone and he looked at the screen.

"Texting this Shawn isn't as important as learning about what you're going to be doing this year." he said and handed my phone back to me.

"Now. Put it. Away." I quickly nodded and stuffed it into my backpack.

"Everyone quiet! Alright well-" and I drowned out everything after that. Everything he said was like, the end of a loaf of bread. Irrelevant.

About ten minutes later, he was at his desk and reading the newspaper. He had finally let us all talk amongst ourselves. Looks like he was done working for the period.

I didn't really know anyone else other than Maya, but she was sitting across the class. I took that time to text him back.

N: I got in trouble 😑

S: wat did u do?

N: on my phone. ur texting me while I'm supposed to be learning. Ur a bad influence.

I smirked as I sent it. He's going to rant on how it wasn't his fault and how I started texting him but honestly pushing his buttons sometimes cracks me up. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around.

"Are you still texting Shawn?" A girl named Marina whispered to me.

She was one of those girls in school that goes out with everyone. And when I mean everyone, I mean most of the class that's a year or two older.

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