Chapter 15

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Question : how much did you actually change while in quarantine?
I quite literally gutted that bitch from the inside out.
If you get the reference, we can be friends :')


Nicole's Point of View

Today was the big day. Well, for me at least. The day I go to visit where the devil lives for the first time. Oh and getting my first kiss. Super casual.

I told Sierra about it and she told me it was really weird.

Her exact words were "You guys planned your first kiss?" and I just replied with a shy nod. She gave me a weird look and just said "Okayyyy. Its your guys' kiss."

The school day went way faster than I wanted it to. I was hoping the school day would drag on so I could at least imagine what was going to happen today, but I had absolutely no clue. I could think of one scenario, but then I'd think of another one and the next would always sound way more realistic.

Gotta love anxiety.

I just hope I don't embarrass me or Shawn.

Right now I was at the super market with my mom because she said 'I need to get out of the house' and 'I can't only spend my time at Shawn's'. Well mother, where else am I supposed to go? I don't know any friends that drive.

"Que te vas a poner?(What are you going to wear?)" she asked me as we were carrying the groceries to the car.

"I have no idea. I'll probably just ask Sierra to help me pick something from my closet." I shrugged and hauled the two gallons of milk my mom made me drag. I don't know... She knows I have no muscle, yet she makes me carry the heavy stuff...

"Okay. That way I don't have to buy anything." I rolled my eyes and she chuckled. We got all the food in the back of the car, and we were off.


It took four trips to get from the car, to the kitchen with only my mom and I. My dad was at work, and Del was with her friend Natalie, working on a project for school.

My mom and I were both trying to catch our breath. I helped her put everything away and left upstairs to take a shower.

Half an hour later, I was in some of my PJ's, which consisted of a loose Harvard shirt, and shorts, then I called Sienna on Skype. When she finally answered all I saw was her dog held up to the screen.

"Move Trixie, and let me talk with her." she laughed and put Trixie down.

"Let me guess. You have no idea what to wear so you have come to me for guidance." she raised her eyebrows at me.

"What? No. I can't call you out of the blue and tell you hi and that I miss you? What world do I live in if I can't call my bestfrie-" she cut me off.

"Nicole." she said sternly.

"Yes. I need help." I pouted and crossed my arms. She laughed out loud and that just made me pout even more.

"Its not funny. You know, I can just hang up and call-"

"No, no, no, I'll help you! Just hang on. Let me go get a glass of water and I'll come back." she got up off her bed, and left her iPod on her bed facing the ceiling. Just then I got a call. I jammed out to Na Na Na, before answering.


"What are you doing?" Shawn asked.

"I am currently waiting for Si to get back from the kitchen with her glass of water." I balanced my phone on my shoulder and picked at my nails.

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