Chapter 24

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Nicole's Point of View

Shawn and I were walking back to the table, with his full plate of food, when he started to laugh. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What is so funny?" He just continued to laugh, but he shook his head.

"Nothing, nothing." He waved his hand, dismissing it.

"Well now you have to tell me." I said and chuckled. He shook his head.

"Tell me." I whined and fisted his flannel in my hand and moved him forward and back. He laughed again.

"You got so jealous." He sang and barked with laughter again. I immediately let go and I could feel my face flush. We finally got to the table and I sat down and played with the straw of my orange juice. He started to scarf everything down.

"Oh please, I did not. Don't flatter yourself." I rolled my eyes and took a sip, hoping that would make the redness in my face go away.

"Yes you did!" He pointed a finger at me and smirked. Why do boys eat like their food is going to run away?

"I was not jealous, I was just doing what a usual girlfriend would do if her boyfriend was flirting with a girl." I shrugged, but still didn't make eye contact as he sat in front of me.

But I know he wasn't flirting with her, because even from afar, you could see how uncomfortable he was.

"I wasn't flirting though." He smirked at me. He knew I was lying. Shit.

"Whatever, I'm going to go get dessert, do you want anything?" I asked and I got up. He just kept smirking.

"I still haven't finished my food." He said and we both laughed.

"Well then, eat your food then." I said and started to leave.

"Wait!" Shawn called after me. I turned around and he was walking towards me.


"You expect yourself to go alone?" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Shawn, I'm 15 years old, so yes. I do expect myself to go alone." I turned around and started walking toward the dessert section until I felt two arms slither their way around my waist. That's when a trillion butterflies erupted in my stomach.

What the hell is this kid doing to me?

"You're not going alone." He nuzzled his head into my neck from behind and pulled me closer to his body.

I just hope he can't feel how fast my heartbeat is going. I acted like I was thinking, but all I could do was smile and try to not melt into his arms.

"Fine." I groaned and he still hadn't let go.

"Yes." He whisper/cheered and then let go. I immediately got cold.

He grabbed my hand and we walked to the buffet. He grabbed us a plate. Then he started to pile the desserts, so much it made a small hill already.

"Why don't you just get another plate?" I said and laughed.

"That is probably a good idea." He blushed slightly. I shook my head and grabbed him another plate. I transferred some of the desserts.

"What else do you want on this plate?" I asked as he stood there looking at all the desserts. He pointed to the lava cake and cookies.

"Are we going to be able to finish all of this?" I asked with my hands full.

"Nicole, c'mon, look who you're talking to." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah Shawn, I do know. Don't you remember what happened last time?" I raised an eyebrow. It was last year, Shawn and I had gone to an Asian buffet. He got 2 plates full of food, and amazingly, he ate all of it. But the dummy got sick the next day and now he can't go back there without feeling nauseous. He sighed.

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