Chapter 13

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Okay, in celebration of Shawn's single #Lifeoftheparty coming out today, I wanted to make a short chapter, and celebrate almost 1.2 K reads!! I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!


Nicole's Point of View

After School

Shawn and I have just come from going to our lockers when Aileen went up to us.

"Hey guys." she said as she started walking with us to the front of the school.


"Hello." we replied. Shawn's hand was in mine, and sometimes I'd squeeze it just to make sure he was still there. The order was Aileen, me, then Shawn.

"Are you still up for tonight?" she asked me. I nodded.

"Yup. When do you want to get to my house? Like 5? 6?" I asked.

"I think I'll get there at around 6-ish." she wiggled her hand as if she was unsure. I nodded again.

"Alright. Just call me when you're on your way there, so I can get everything ready."


"Am I invited?" I turned and Shawn had a hopeful look on his face. I turned to Aileen, but she only looked at me.

"I don't know. This is for you. Do you want him there?" I chuckled and asked Aileen. She shrugged.

"Sure." I nodded and looked at Shawn.

"Scary movies?" I asked them both. Shawn nodded while Aileen looked horrified. She stepped in front of us. She put her hands up so she could stop us.

"What?! Why?" her eyes were wide and she was looking from me to Shawn.

"So you don't think of that douchebag again." Shawn replied and I snickered.

"Fine, but no Michael Myers. He scares the shit out of me." I laughed.

"He isn't even scary! Now the 4th Kind. That's some scary shit." I said and now Shawn laughed.

"Really Nicole?! That was nothing!" he turned his body to me.

"Oh really Mr. I-screamed-like-a-little-girl-during-The-Exorcist." I yelled playfully at him.

"Hey! That's was one time! And the room was dark! And I was alone!" he defended himself.

"No you weren't! I saw it with you!" he just crossed his arms and pouted. Aileen and I just laughed.

"Okay, okay. So, no Exorcisms, no Michael Myers, and no Aliens." I counted off with my fingers. They both just nodded.

"Okay, I gotta go. I'll see you guys tonight!" she said as she was walking the opposite way of Shawn's and I's route home.

"Bye!" we both yelled and we were off. About 5 minutes into walking I remembered what happened at lunch and I was going to start talking about it, but he beat me to it.

"You know, we have to talk about what happened at lunch right?" I sighed.

"Yeah." Awkward...

"What do we talk about?" he said and laughed.

"I don't know actually. Um, lets start with the actual kiss. I've never had mine, and you have, so when its time, I'll act like I know what I'm doing." he laughed. Asshole.

"Okay. And you know how the guy always does it first? Well I guess when everyone is teasing us, I'll do it unexpectedly in front of everyone." he said and looked at me. I nodded in approval.

"And don't like, shove your tongue in my mouth. I won't know what the hell I'm doing, and I'm not ready for that." I blushed. He laughed.

"Alright." Crap. Flashes of the dream came to mind again. Shit.

"Nicole?" he waved his hand in front of my face.


"You dozed off and I was loosing you for a moment." he laughed and I blushed. 'I was loosing you...' Fuck.

"Okay, well, Michelle's party is on Friday right? And there will be a bunch of people there, so why not do it there?" I asked and shrugged. He nodded slowly, then normally.

"Yeah, good idea. Aight. We'll just have our first kiss on Friday." we nodded in approval.

"So, like, tomorrow?" I giggled.

"Damn, its already Thursday? Jesus." he moved his hair from the side and chuckled.

"This is weird." he said and looked at a car driving by.

"What is?" I got my phone from my back pocket and turned it on. My phone lags turning on so I just put it back in my ass pocket.

"This. Talking about having our first kiss. And with you. This is so unnatural." he laughed.

Well that hurt.

"Yeah. So weird." I said quietly. And faked a laugh. This is going to be harder that I thought...


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