[7] frères,

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Thomas sat in his armchair with his laptop in his lap and headphones in; those are the reason he didn't hear a weak knock on his door or the turn of a doorknob, the door closing and the slow footsteps walking towards him.

"Thomas?" A voice spoke, grasping his attention.

He was in the middle of writing a sentence, and he didn't want to stop the way this essay was going, he really wanted to get some sleep tonight; so he continued without looking up as he replied to the familiar voice.


"Can I talk to you?" The voice replied weakly.

Thomas looked up at his brother, he looked awful.

He had tear stains on his cheeks, eyes red and puffy and his whole body was trembling.

The older of the two took out his headphones and put his computer down as he stood up, approaching Lafayette calmly. He wanted to give whoever hurt his little brother a good beating but knowing his brother needed him; he stayed calm. He grabbed his shoulder.

"What's the matter?" Thomas spoke calmly.

"I-I messed up Thomas." The man uttered in his thick French accent.

"What happened?"

"I-I thought he loved me too."



"What happened, Laf?" Thomas asked as evenly as he could.

"I love him."


"So I kiss him."


"He just pulled away, he looked disgusted." Lafayette continued, tears reappearing in his eyes. "I don't think he ever wants to see me again."

"Don't say that."

"Frère I ruined our friendship."

Lafayette broke, collapsing into his brother's embrace.

Thomas didn't know what to say. He hated to see his little brother like this, so he just held him.

Lafayette let out more tears than he had in years, soaking his brother's shirt, but Thomas didn't mind.

He rubbed circles on his back, stroking his hair.

Laf was sobbing so loud he didn't hear Alexander Hamilton enter his dorm. He was about to say something, but Thomas motioned him to stay silent. Then he realised who the trembling figure in his roommate's arms was. It was Lafayette. Alex was almost shocked; he had never seen his friend in that state. Laf was the strong one, he always had a smile on his face and open arms but never in the years Alex had known him had he seen him shed a tear. That gave him the idea that even though all Alexander wanted to do was to go and comfort the Frenchman, maybe Laf didn't want him to see him like this.

So Alex snuck past the brothers. Thomas Jefferson was a jerk, but he was a jerk who loved his brother more than anything in this life, and Alex trusted him with Lafayette; so he closed the door to his room.

Thomas still stood next to the couch with his shaking brother in his arms. He was starting to shiver a little less though, so Thomas whispered to him,

"You wanna sit down?"

The trembling figure nodded into his brother's chest, and Thomas gently loosened himself from the embrace, leaving his arm around the slightly shorter man. He carefully led him to the couch, letting his brother rest his head on his shoulder.

After a long silence, Lafayette spoke.

"I wish I could just stop loving him, but I can't. C'est not a big red button that I can press to make it stop." He started choking up again. He got mad at himself for being so weak, although his brother was the only one ever to have seen this side of him, even now he was just childish, he had to make such a big deal out of this. But he didn't leave.

"Shh," Thomas said as he noticed his brother's voice shaking as he rubbed his arm up and down.

"Je ne veux pas grandir Thomas."

"Je connais, Je connais."

He rested his head on his.

"I know it hurts Laf, I know," Thomas spoke in English.

"But you can't just give up; it's not over." He said calmly.

"You and he have been friends for so long, remember how happy you were when you made friends on your first day?"

Lafayette let out a chuckle in between his sobs as he nodded.

"Even if he doesn't love you as you do him, I know he won't be stupid enough to lose a friend like you; he'll never get another one."

"Merci," he said in a weak voice, closing his eyes.

When he could feel his brother was asleep he gently let go of him before picking him up, yes Lafayette wasn't light, but Thomas wasn't weak. He walked into his room and kindly put his brother down on his bed, stroking away his stray hairs before wrapping him in a blanket. He looked at Lafayette one last time, just to make sure he was okay before he turned off the light and shut the door, going to sleep himself on the couch.

786 words

ok so this is kinda sad maybe? but they're all gonna be happy in the end probably so don't worry .alsoo my french=bad, I know a lil from school, the rest is google translate, I'll post again today so stay tuned.

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