[25] sorry,

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Where was Mulligan?

Thomas had stayed by his brother's side the entire night; he knew Lafayette; he was aware that he was embarrassed by looking so weak, he knew he was embarrassed by having been beat up. But he also knew he was scared, and he was lost.

But Jefferson couldn't find Mulligan anywhere. His brother hadn't asked for him yet, surprisingly but he was nowhere to be found, and he wouldn't be surprised if Lafayette asked for his boyfriend soon.

They sat on the couch in Lafayette's dorm, Lafayette sleeping lightly on his brother's shoulder in the silence of 4 am.

The previous night, Laurens had come as soon as he heard over to the dorm. He hadn't seen Hercules either.

Alexander, Laurens and James all stayed for a while before heading back to their dorms. Madison and Laurens left first after making sure that they would be the first to be called if they needed anything and Alexander left an hour later, around midnight, stressing the same thing as the couple.

He felt an arm around him and leaned into the warm embrace. Although he'd never admit it; he'd been terrified. He didn't hurt anyone, ever, even if he was big enough to beat the shit out of all of them.

But it wasn't like when the bullies used to beat him up when he was younger because Thomas would come and save him every time. But he wasn't there.

High school was probably the best, he made friends who stayed, and he had his brother, he wasn't used to both at the same time.

He felt a kiss on his temple, he realized he had tensed up a bit and relaxed as he opened his eyes. He was okay.

"Hey, you awake?" Thomas asked calmly and smiled.

Lafayette looked up at his brother.


Thomas smiled again. He was glad his brother was okay, because he was, right?

Then Lafayette recognized a bruise on his face.



"What's on your face?"

Thomas wondered what he could mean.


"Your cheek, it looks like a...comment dit-on la moretón?"

Shit, he thought. He forgot about his bruise.

"No, it's not, it's um..."

He stammered.

"No, it looks quite bad,"

Lafayette said, examining the bruise.

"I fell."

Thomas said quickly.


"Yesterday, it takes a while for the bruise to break out."

Yes, it was a good cover.

"You fell on your face and only got a bruise on your cheek?

Thomas nodded.


But Lafayette was curious.

"How'd you fall?"

"I was just walking and I just...whoops."

Thomas tried to reenact the scene on the couch.


"I'm serious."

A tale of two brothers; jamilton&mulletteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon