[8] sunrise,

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Alexander Hamilton opened his eyes at the sound of his alarm clock. It was his second day today. Not a lot had happened the day before, he went to school, found out Jefferson risked his life for him, went to John's place and came home to see a broken down Lafayette. Let's rephrase that, a lot happened on the first day. Alex got up and put on a black shirt and jeans before opening his door and walking into the small kitchen. He was too deep inside his thoughts to notice when he walked into the counter.

"OUCH!" He yelled, jumping out of his thoughts.

Thomas jumped up at the sound from the couch where he had been asleep.

"What was that?" He said sleepily.

"Sorry I just...why are you sleeping on the couch?" He said, not that he cared where Thomas was sleeping, he was just curious.

"What? Oh right, um Laf was here last night do you remember?" Thomas was now sat on the couch, looking at Alex.

"Yeah," he replied hesitantly

"Well, I don't know if he wants you to know what happened, but don't ask him though, he'll tell you if he wants to." Jefferson started. "Right, so if you could just act like you don't know he's here until you see him that would be great?"

"Sorry, he's still.."

He stopped talking as a newly awoken Frenchman opened Thomas' room door and walked into the kitchen slowly, a bit startled by seeing Alex.

"Hey Laf, how'd you sleep?" Thomas spoke, standing up from the couch and walking into the kitchen where the two friends stood.

"Um, fine, merci," Lafayette mumbled.

"Laf, I didn't know that you were over, I didn't see you."

Alex said in a very odd voice, resulting in a strange look from each of the brothers. He was a good liar, but improv, nope.

"I don't; I was just, I didn't umm, I had to," Laf tried finding an excuse without saying he ruined the friendship with his best friend by kissing him and then came running to his brother like a baby.

"Laf came over last night after you went to bed, he was too tired to go back to his dorm, so he stayed here," Thomas said casually.

"Oh, okay," Alex said and went to get something to eat.


Thomas drove them all to school that same morning, he did take Lafayette aside before they left just to make sure he was okay with going to school but he convinced him he was so they left. Usually, Thomas and Alex wouldn't have driven to school together, but they had their first class together, and he was already driving his brother, it would have been rather odd to make Hamilton walk.

"Well, here we are," Jefferson spoke after a long and unnecessary awkward silence. They all stepped out of the car in front of the school building. Then something hit Lafayette, he and Hercules had all of their first classes together. He was about to panic when Thomas noticed something was wrong and pulled him aside; Alexander hadn't noticed, he was already on his way inside.

"Hey, what's going on?" He said concernedly

"It's nothing, it's just that I have my first class with..." he trailed off.


Lafayette bit his lip, why did he always have to act like such a child.

"Look, I'll talk to your teacher and tell them you're sick or something if you want." Thomas insisted.

"I don't know," Lafayette was starting to panic again.

"Laf, I understand how you feel okay?" The older man said to his younger brother, except his brother didn't know that the same thing had happened to him, and he didn't really want him to. Thomas hadn't been able to look James in the face since; even when he felt confident enough to talk to him, when he saw him he just shrank inside and turned away. Thomas kissed James months ago, and he still had a hard time looking at him. This happened to Laf yesterday; he did know exactly how he felt.

A tale of two brothers; jamilton&mulletteWhere stories live. Discover now