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Mulligan paced around the dorm; Lafayette still wasn't back. He hadn't seen him since the previous night's events. He'd grown worried about him, what if he'd left campus and was missing, that's why Jefferson had to talk to Mr Washington because they couldn't find him and maybe he was in danger.

Hercules stopped to take a deep breath.

He had to find him.

His shaking hands reached for the phone in the pocket of his jeans. He dialled Lafayette's phone for about the twentieth time that day, still no answer. He called Laurens.

"Hey Herc, what's up."

"John have you seen Laf I don't know where he is and I'm worried..." His voice was shaking.

"No I haven't seen him, Herc are you okay I.."

Mulligan hung up.

Finally, he tried calling Alex, but he didn't pick up.

Mulligan couldn't think straight; he was so worried about the Frenchman that at the moment he would do anything to make sure he was okay.

He felt guilty as well; he didn't think to go after him the night before, he didn't think, period.

What if Lafayette was gone? What if he'd never see him again?

The guilt was like gasoline in his guts. His insides slowly died in the noxiousness, needing nothing but a spark to set it aflame.

Hercules Mulligan was known for overreacting, but he was also known for loving his friends profoundly.

All the guilt and the mixed feelings rounded up into a big mess inside his mind. The thoughts were accelerating inside his head; he wished they could slow so that he could breathe but they wouldn't stop. His heart hammered inside his chest as if it belonged to a rabbit running for its skin; his breaths came in gasps while the room spun around him as he hunched to the floor trying to make everything slow.

This happened every once in a while, and it brought tears to his eyes to even imagine losing one of his best friends, to losing Lafayette, his Lafayette.

Then everything went dark.

"Herc, Herc, Hercules wake up."

He slowly opened his eyes seeing Alexander's face worriedly looking straight at his.

"Oh thank God you're awake, what happened? Are you okay?"

Alex like always spoke rapidly as he helped Mulligan sit up.

He'd left the door unlocked in case Lafayette was to come in all of a sudden and be okay.


Alexander's arm was still around his back, steadying him as they sat on the dorm floor.

"Lafayette," he mumbled

"What?" Alex was confused like he'd been most of the day.

"Lafayette, I need to find him."

"Laf? He's probably just back at our dorm with Jefferson, were you looking for him?" The sophomore asked casually.

Hercules' heart nearly skipped a beat. He felt a giant weight lifted off of him.

"Have you seen him, is he okay?" He needed to be sure that he was alright.

"I mean, last night, I don't know if he wants me to tell you this, but when I came home last night, he had some sort of breakdown. I mean Jefferson just told me not to mention it, but I was worried. Then he drove us to school this morning but didn't show up to class, it was weird. Although I'm sure he's okay, he's just with Jefferson probably," Alex rambled on like usual.

A tale of two brothers; jamilton&mulletteWhere stories live. Discover now