[30] pain,

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the emotional reaction/response to loss.

The process one undertakes to deal with the void that is now left.


Every event before the car crash suddenly felt so unimportant. Lafayette hadn't even mentioned Reynolds to Mulligan; the moment he arrived at the hospital and saw his brother and boyfriend; broken, he realized it wasn't important.

He forgot about it.

He didn't even bother explaining his black eye or bruises when asked.

Hercules needed him.

He needed him more than anything now; because he was alone.

But Lafayette tried his best to fill the void.


Jefferson was never good at dealing with death. The only time he was faced with it, all he knew to do was to run away from his problems, so that's what he did.

Thomas admired his little brother for staying stable for the man he loved.

He admired their relationship; that was something he'd never thought he'd do.

Of course, Jefferson loved his brother, and he'd grown to care about Mulligan.

He didn't know how to mourn someone he only met once; someone he didn't know.

But Mulligan was mourning, and he was family now, right?


Laurens was the person Mulligan would call in the middle of the night if he felt like the world was trying to drown him.

He was his first real friend, and although Hercules slept in the same bed as Lafayette, he didn't want to burden him any more than he already had.

He didn't want to burden anyone. But he somehow always found the courage talk to John.

Laurens tried his hardest to help him.

But he was broken.

He was broken into so many pieces it was nearly impossible to put them back together, some weren't there anymore, but he tried.

They all tried.


Alexander understood how Mulligan felt.

He understood, he was an orphan too.

But it somehow wasn't the same.

Hercules didn't talk to him a lot anymore.

But Alexander knew Hercules' parents better than any of their other friends.

Maybe some of them had forgotten, but when Alexander didn't get to keep his apartment because the landlord found out he was underage, sixteen at the time; Mulligan's family took him in, his parents were Hamilton's legal guardians until he turned eighteen; he lived with them for a whole year.

Of course, he didn't have the same connection with them as Mulligan, but he knew them, he loved them.

Why didn't his friend talk to him? Why was he practically ignoring him? He was trying his best to be a good friend, a good brother.


Mulligan couldn't stand how he felt so alone, why he noticed how lucky he was to have the best friends and the best boyfriend but still had never felt so alone in his life.

The void inside him wasn't going to heal in a month; that's how long it had been, a month.

Exactly a month as he sat alone on the couch in his dorm.

Lafayette sat down next to him. He didn't say a word; he didn't touch him. He just sat there, and they stared at nothing together.

For just a moment, he didn't feel so alone.

509 words


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