Chapter 2

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"Yeah mom I'm in the bathroom, give me a minute," I yelled as I hurriedly put on my clothes. Picking up my phone I flip ped it over and hit the power button on the side. 12 p.m. Where exactly could she have been to have just arriving home? Leaving the bathroom I made my way downstairs looking for my mom.

"Titus I'm in the kitchen. Mind giving me a hand with the groceries?" My mom asked as she struggled to put the bag of sugar into the top cabinet. Without saying anything I started to put the groceries away into their respected places. When I'm about done putting away the groceries that's when my mom decided to speak to me again.

"Did you hear what happened to Jenna's boy? It's so sad really." My mom put a hand on her hip while leaning on the countertop.

"No. What happened?" The amount of fake concern I had to put in my voice was nauseating. I stop what I was doing to give her my full attention.

"They found the poor boy's body all mangled up and bloody in the river." She covered her mouth with her hand. "He was such a good kid, it's a shame."

Yeah if you call a good kid that treats his mother like crap, and is an ungrateful maggot. Than sure he was a good kid.

"Yeah, mom. I'm sure he was. Such a shame." After I said what I said I turned back around to finish putting the groceries away. When I turn back around I notice that mom wasn't in the kitchen anymore. So I walked to the living room and turn on the television. The first thing to pop up was 'Courage the Cowardly Dog' it was a good show I guess. It passed the time.

About ten minutes into the show mom comes back into the living room with a leash in her hand.

" Ty, have you seen Bruce by any chance? I've been looking for him everywhere him but he just won't come."

"I haven't seen him. Maybe he snuck out of the house and is on a stroll around town?" I straightened myself up more on the couch so I wouldn't be slouching. Wouldn't want to ruin my A1 posture now, would I?

"Maybe." She scratched her head, and sat down on the couch on the other side of me. "so what have you been up to lately? It's been forever since me and you had a conversation." She puts on a big smile while tying her long black hair into a ponytail.


"Nothing? Come on there has to be something. Are you in a relationship? Or have you joined a club or maybe-"  tired of hearing rambling I cut her off

"No mom. I've done nothing but stay at home. Occasionally I would go out with some friends." I put on a smile to show that I wasn't lying. But like always I was. You see my mom didn't need to know that I didn't have friends or that everyone in this town thought less of me because everyone knows that I shouldn't be here. They didn't always show it but they didn't need to, I could feel it in the way they stared at me. I can say that I do keep people around even if I don't like them, just as leverage.

"Hey, mom did you see anyone outside when you pulled up?" I asked with my attention half on the T.V and half on her.

"Um no, I don't think so... Was I supposed to?" She slightly tapped her chin while looking up at the ceiling.

"No, just wondering."

After that, it was all quiet. Well, that was until 5 o'clock hit. During this time is when my sister comes home from practice for cheer. I honestly hated it when she comes home, it's like she has to let everyone know she's here.

"Hello, dear family your queen has returned!" She yelled to the heart's content while spreading her arms out with a huge smile on her face.

"Sora could you not be so loud it's still early?" I asked while rubbing my temples and sighing deeply. She really can be too much sometimes.

"Could you, I don't know maybe get a life freak and stop worrying about mine?" She sassed while putting her hand on her his and wringing her neck

"Know your place Sora before you put in it." The tone if my voice turned venomous and my eyes turned to slits.  She scrunched up her nose and distaste and folded her arms.

"Titus. Be nice." Mom side-eyed me with a warning in her voice. "Hey honey glad you're home. How was practice?" She placed both of her hands on each of her shoulders while giving her a big smile.

Sora pushed a small strand behind her ear, she looked past my mom at me and gave me the stink eye. I just stare at her with an even stinkier look, pretty soon we'll both be funky.

"It was a great mom. Glad I'm home. I think I'm going to go to bed now, you know school and all that tomorrow." she says while looking back up at mom and slowly starts to back up into the stairwell.

"But it's 6. At least come to have dinner"

"Mom you didn't even cook anything so what are we supposed to eat?" I said slightly laughing. The thing is mom can't cook to save her life, and it's sad. It's basically child abuse to have to be eating take out every day.

" I was going to order takeout."

"No mom. Just no." I get up to go into my room because I refuse to eat takeout again. Not today. Since I've been inside all day I decided not to take another shower so I stripped into just my boxers when I reached my door. I lay down and pick up my phone unlocked it and the first thing I see going onto my social media account was bold letters:


And you won't

Scrolling through the comments you can see everyone going crazy about what's happening. Some of them were pretty funny though.

@saladtosser: omg this is so sad. He still owed me like hella money tho... R.I.P

Their comment has about 50 likes and their comment was commented on by other accounts. Somewhere agreeing or telling them off so being so cold-hearted.

"He had it coming though." I thought out loud. It was the truth. He dug his own grave and now he has to lay in it. Literally. I decided to stay on my phone for a bit longer to you know to stalk people on social media. When I was about to shut it down for tonight an unknown account DMed me. Hey, I know this is random but thank you for helping me today I really appreciate it.

Who gave him the right

Deciding not to answer the message I leave him on read and decided it was time for me to sleep since it was already 9 o'clock and I had to be up early anyway. I turn on some music and fall asleep.

Second chapter yayy. Hope you enjoy and leave some feedback. It would really help. Since this is in fact my first story it won't be super awesomeness but it'll get better anyways that's all. Bye


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