Chapter 14

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A/N: You guys are in for a treat… hehe enjoy! ;)

It was now Thursday and Jacob has not been to school and neither has he responded to my text messages. I was tempted to go over there these past two days but I’ve been pretty busy with… things. Jacob is usually my main priority but sometimes there are things that get in the way of what you prioritize, for me that thing is my sister, Sora. Tuesday, I guess she left something of hers in my car, well that’s what she claims, but long story short we ended up getting into an argument about the things she found in my car. Things that aren’t normally in a person's car. She found one of my shirts that I forgot to burn and it was covered in blood, I easily came up with an excuse saying that I got hurt in my architectural class. She didn’t believe me, not one bit, which can be annoying in the future especially if she tries to put her nose in places that it shouldn’t be.

I was now leaving my third-period class which was AP Lang. That was one of the classes that I actually enjoy, well besides gym. Walking through the crowded hallways I see a very familiar head of hair and an even more familiar jacket, the person’s head was half-covered by the even more familiar oversized hoodie. I knew for a fact that that was the bot I was anxious to see. The boy who has been ignoring me for days straight. Anger boiled inside me and I let out a vicious growl. The people who were around me quickly moved out of my way as I speed walked to the boy who weaseled his way into the bathroom.

How dare he ignore me!?

The thought was loud in my ears. Almost like a ringing, a ringing that clouded my better judgment until the only thoughts that ran through my head were thoughts that involved me, Jacob and a bunch of crying. Not from me obviously but from his with how bad i'm going to put him in his place.

When I made it into the bathroom I was ready to explode but what met me at the door stopped me in my tracks. There Jacob was in all his beautiful glory but that wasn’t the reason that I stooped, I stopped because splattered on his beautiful were bruises. Bruises that were purple in some places and a mixture of purple and yellow in others. His mocha skin was pale and he looked almost dead, his eyes were sullen and the left one had a bruise under it. He was overall a mess. 

He looked at me with wide eyes.  Those eyes. They help so many emotions but the clearest one was sorrow. My boy was hurting and that, in turn, was also hurting me. Instead of saying anything I pulled the broken boy into my arms. Once he made contact with my body he broke down. His body shook and his cries held so much emotion. His face was buried in my jacket to mumble some of his cries but even that didn’t help as much. He cried as though he was holding back his tears for so long and is only now being able to express his pain, pain that was so strong it radiated to me. I  was feeling his pain and the thought of him dealing with this alone was making me angrier and sadder by every passing second.

It took a while for him to actually calm back down and by the time he did the tardy bell rang twenty minutes prior. His loud and painful cries turned into low hic-ups and shaken breaths. Pulling him away from my I cup his right cheek in my hand and he looked up at me with swollen puffy eyes. 

“What happened?” My voice was shaking as I tried to keep myself together. I was literally at my breaking point of sanity because when it came to Jacob Welshman id get crazy, hell crazier than I already am. 

“D-Dad h-he hurt me again!” he breathed out. “It hurts so bad Titus. I told him to stop so many times but he just wouldn’t. He kept going and I kept on screaming for help but nobody came. I called for you but you didn’t come.” He cried out while gripping my jacket until his hands turned red. His words broke me some more, he called for me and dammit I wasn’t even there to be his savior.  

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