Chapter 7

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The ride back to the school was a quiet one. Jacob sat in the passenger seat looking out the window. Instead of trying to make conversation I just focused more on the road. I think he was still anxious about riding in the car with me since he was gripping on the seatbelt and the little lever on top of the window.

After a while, we finally made it back to school. My sister was waiting in the front looking as impatient as ever, tapping her foot on the ground while looking around for my car. When I pull up in front of her she goes for the front seat until she sees Jacob in it. She gives a puzzled look and then heads for the backseat.

"So why exactly didn't you get a ride from a friend again?" I asked as I started the car and pulling out the empty parking lot.

"It's complicated just don't worry about it." She turned her head towards the window, looking out of it like she was in one of those drama movies.

" I actually am going to worry about it. I was in the middle of something very important."

Jacob looks over at me slightly then goes back to looking out the window again.

"Whatever. Anyways hello to you too, since you don't know how to speak."

Jacob instantly became flustered and turned around to look st my sister. Before he could even get a word out, which by the looks of it was going to be an apology, I cut him off.

"Jacob. Don't answer her. She's supposed to speak when she gets in the car. Now, if you ever throw that level of disrespect at Jacob again, best believe you'll be walking to and from school." She didn't say anything after that instead of mumbling profanities under her breath.

"Um, Titus? Can you take me home now?" He said to me while looking down at his lap. Reaching a red light and coming to a complete stop I turn to look at him.

"Yeah, sure. Just tell me where to go." He nods still not looking at me.

"Words Jacob, and look at me when I'm talking to you."  Instantly he looked at me and muttered a small 'yes'. I can see my sister from the corner of my eye staring at the both of us with a look of shock on her face but I didn't pay any attention to her.

"Alright. Lead the way." With that being said the light turned green and we were on our way. We passed many houses that looked like they could be Jacobs but each time I asked he would tell me it's not his and told me to keep going. The more we drove the closer we got to the rougher side of town. Mind you, our town isn't that big but it's big enough yo have a not so good side to it. I've actually never been on this side I only hear people from my school talking about how bad it was and now looking at it I can't say I disagree with them.

My sister was in the back seat and she was surprisingly quiet the entire time, I guess the poorness in this area left her shell-shocked. Glancing to my left Jacob was fumbling with the ends of his shirt barely looking up at the road. I guess he felt my stare and looked at me, he gave a small smile in my direction and I raised a brow at that.

"You live here?" The disgust and shock were evident through my voice and I could visibly see his flinch back a little at my words.

" I-I mean yeah... Not all of us can afford big houses and fancy cars you know." His tone was accusing yet sad.

Dammit now he's depressed and now I gotta fix it

"I didn't mean it like that. Im not judging you or anything you just don't look like you live here is all. Hell, you don't even act like you're from this side. You're so smart and calm"

"So what you're implying is that people who live on this side; dress poorly and are uneducated?" I've never heard so much aggression in his tone before and to be honest it's kinda turning me on. Seeing as though he might burst a blood vessel in his head with how hard he is straining I decided to just apologize, which is something I rarely do.

"Look, Jacob. I apologize for saying what I said. It was ignorant and unthoughtful of me. Forgive me?" I put a pout on my face still looking towards the road and glancing at him every couple of seconds. he let out a heavy sigh and told me I was forgiven.

Well that was easy

"Turn left up here and its the white house on the right." And turn was what I did. To my surprise, his house was actually decent looking. It was a small white house, well small compared to mine, and with green grass and a bit of yard space. You could tell that the house was pretty old since the paint at the bottom and sides were chipping off. He had three steps leading to his front door but one side of the railing was broken. Its almost as if someone fell through it, or was pushed? In the driveway, there was an old beat up pick up truck that looked as though it barely functioned. When Jacob saw the car he instantly tensed up, now that was weird.

"You good Jacob?"

"Uh yeah... My dad's just home." He let out a nervous chuckle at the end of his sentence. I raised my eyebrow at Jacob once more but he didn't say anything else about it. We pull up to the front of his house but instead of getting out the car he just sat there.

"So? Are you gonna get out?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah sorry." He unbuckles his seat belt and as soon as he stepped foot out the car a man came out of the house.

"Jacob! Get your ass in this house boy. I swear when I get my hands on you.." The venom in his voice was so strong it could kill you. Jacob let out a small whimper and ran towards the door. As soon as he reached to where the man was standing, the man grabbed his arm and whispered into his ear. You could tell how much pain he was. The man let go of his arm and Jacob ran into the house. He looked towards me and sized me up.

"The hell are you still doing here? Go on somewhere. This ain't nunya business boy." I just stared at the man with an impassive look on my face. He spits on the ground and gave me a stank look before going into the house and began yelling profanities at who I assumed was Jacob. I started to get out of the car but my sister put a hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"No. Not now."

I forgot she was still in the car but I listened to her while still glaring at the house.

"Remove your hands from my shoulder." With a sigh, she released me and leaned back into her seat.

"Let's get home it's almost 8 o'clock and I bet is about to call the police and make a missing person report." My sister said.

With one last look, I pulled off and headed home. I know for a fact that I'll have to talk to him about it tomorrow about what's going on. The ride back home was silent other than the radio playing softly. As soon as we pull into the driveway there was mom standing in front of the door looking angry as hell.

"Titus! Im going to beat your ass. You both were supposed to be here hours ago!" She marched towards me and started poking my chest with her nail pretty hard.

"Sorry, mom I was hanging out with friends and lost track of time. It won't happen again and I promise next time I'll call to let you know." I said while grabbing her hands into mine. She let out a sigh and nodded up at me.

Why is everyone sighing today?

"Okay. Okay just make sure you call me next time. With everything happening here I don't want anything to happen to my babies." Tears started to build up in her eyes and that made me really uncomfortable. I'm terrible at dealing with emotions. I just smiled at her.

"Now you both give your momma a kiss and go to bed. School is tomorrow." Sora and I gave mom a kiss and headed into the house with mom trailing behind us. She told us was heading to bed and that just left me and Sora downstairs.

"Well, goodnight." She said while sidestepping me to get to the stairs but before she passes me I grabbed her arm.

"Not a word about this. Understood?"

"Understood." She nodded at me and then I let her go after nodding back. I walked into the kitchen after she left and made myself a glass of water and sat leaned on the counter. Today has been very interesting if I do say so myself.


Well here's another chapter. It was supposed to be released on Halloween but I was being lazy. So after days of procrastination, I give you this. Enjoy! Haha haha

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