Chapter 9

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Titus was gone before I woke up the next morning. His side of the bed was neatly made up as though he was never even here. I'm actually surprised that I didn't wake up to him leaving since I'm a very light sleeper, but I guess he didn't want to be heard. Him leaving without telling me makes me a bit sad, I mean who wouldn't be upset with a friend leaving early in the morning and doesn't tell you?

I mean I guess he didn't exactly leave without saying anything since on my nightstand there was a little heart-shaped locket with bold letters on the back that has the words 'Till death do us part'  there was a little piece of paper under it that had my name on it and Titus signature at the bottom. My heart fluttered a bit, I mean I never really gotten gifts from anyone before and him doing that was really sweet, plus he's basically saying he likes me in some form if it's until death right? I wonder where he got it from though, I mean when did he have the time? I put the necklace on anyways I mean it is pretty nice. 

Last night was pretty strange though, him coming to my house so late at night and covered in blood really spooked me out. At first, I thought he was hurt at first and that's what scared me the most. Come to find out that other than his nose the man was okay and had no scratch on his body..... He has a really nice body if you do think about it, it's so nice and firm and-well im getting off-topic but you get the point. I'll just ask more about the next time I see him, hopefully, he won't be too aggressive when I ask since he's always so violent for some reason.

Today was Saturday which means I get to today at the animal shelter today, but that also means that I need to get up and ready. I usually take showers in the morning and nighttime just so I can feel fresh and today is no different. After I shower I throw on a pair of old blue jeans, a long-sleeve black turtle neck, and some old converses. The outfit was pretty plain but I don't need to look that good to go play with some animals. Grabbing my glasses I make my way out the room. Instantly I'm hit with the strong smell of cigarettes and alcohol, which tells me dad is here or he was here. Gulping down the thick saliva in my mouth I continue my journey down the hall that appears to get longer and longer, when I reached the end of the hall and looked to my right there was dad sitting right in his reclined chair in the corner staring directly at me, a need bottle in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other.

"Uh hey, dad?" I said while scratching my arm and look down at the floor. Instead of answering me right off the back he takes a sip of his beer and right after a long slow drag of his cigarette, his lack of response is what scares me the most. Blowing the smoke out of his mouth he finally says something to me.

"Who the hell was in my house Jacob?" His voice held a level of dominance that I could never have. Looking up at him my mouth hung open.

"What do you mean? No one was here dad?" When I tell you that this man scares the crap out of me, I kid you not.

"Don't lie to me boy! Now I won't ask again." The power of his voice rang through the entire house making me shiver. He gets up from his chair and slowly walks towards me. Now, let me tell you a bit about my father Jerome Welshman. He's a big man with bulging muscles and a beer belly. He's going bald in the middle of his head and had the same mocha-colored skin like me. He has a thick mustache resting on his upper lip and two moles best to his right eye. Another thing is, this man is very, very aggressive and instead of letting out that aggression in a healthy way he chooses to let it out on me. His drunken mistake, his failure of a son, his accident. When he finally reached where I was standing I looked anywhere but him. "Marg told me that early in the morning you let some white kid into my home. Is that true boy?"

My words were caught in my throat. I felt as though I couldn't breathe nor speak, of course, Ms. Marg had seen she loves to see me in trouble or my father discipline me in public. My father raises his had and places it on my right shoulder and digs his nail in between the blades. I bit my bottom lip to keep from screaming in pain.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. Ms. Marg is lying dad no one was here." I knew for a fact that lying to him would only make the situation worse but I couldn't tell him that Titus was here, he might hurt him real bad if I do and I just can't let that happen to him. Getting fed up with my lies he takes his other hand that's still holding the cigarette and forces it down on my neck in one quick motion.

"AH!" The pain was intense especially with it being on my neck. At this point i mean I should be used to the abuse by now but it still hurts. Falling to the ground I start crying while holding my neck, wring move. As soon as I hit the floor his foot came down on my stomach and body.

Over and over again his foot hit me as he threw profanities at me. It's crazy how angry he can get with just someone being over.

"You waste of fucking space. You should've died right along with your whore of a mother." He yelled while he continues to beat me. All i could do at this point was cry and scream and protect my body as much as I could from his harsh beatings. Sometimes I did wish I died with mom that that day but others I wished that he would have died also so the constant beatings and degrading words would cease. With one final kick to my side, he walks away from me.

"Great. I wasted a perfectly good cig on you. Just great."

He walled out the living room leaving me bruised and broken on the tile floor. Before he reached his room he yelled out to me.

"Hurry up and clean that mess up and get out my house boy!"  Slowly I tried to get up and after a couple of failed attempts I finally do but instead of cleaning I just left the house completely. I didn't know where I was going but all I knew is that I had to get out of that house.

Walking was very taxing on my broken body but I kept going just so I could get away. I needed to get away unless I would lose it completely. I walked.... well limped for what felt like hours until I reached a park. The park was pretty nice, I've never seen it before though. It was a wide space with a lake on one side and a large playground on the other and cool thing was there were kids playing today. I remember those days when you're careless and free and don't have to worry about the rest of the world that was the good old days.

Deciding that I didn't want to scare the youth with my appearance I go over to a pavilion and sit while watching them play, my thoughts instantly went back to my father. Why did he have to be mean? Why does he hurt me when I don't do anything wrong? Those thoughts then turn aggressive.

Can't I just hurt him back?

Maybe I should bang glass bottles over his head to see how he likes it.

What if I just take a pocket knife and shove it into his eye sockets, how would he feel? Would he cry and beg for me to stop as I did? Or would he sit there and take it like a man?

Sometimes I feel like maybe if he..... he needs to...

"He needs to just die." The words that left my mouth were barely above a whisper and I was shocked that they even came out my mouth.

"I agree he just needs to die." A voice said from behind me. Cautiously I turn around to look at the person and was surprised to see the one and only Titus Jones.

------------------------------------------------------------ I'm back and im better whores..... Okay, I lied. Anyways this is 1 of few.... VERY FEW chapters that you will get from Jacobs's point of view since the storyline mainly revolves around Titus. But wasn't Jacobs pa such a meany? @_@ I feel so bad so my baby.......

Until next time though my little Kumquats. Like, comment or whatever PEACE....PIECE...... PIOCE?

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